Limn Language in The Desert | World Anvil
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The 'Language of Nomads'

Geographical Distribution

The original language of the central desert, more specifically, the peoples of the oases. It was later adapted into the language of traders, caravaners, and nomadic groups. Many still consider it the desert's 'true' language.


Limn as a whole is meant to flow and glide like shifting sand and was originally sung, rather than spoken. For this reason, many words vary in length of vowel sounds and emphasis on consonant firmness.   For instance, lilku (hello/welcome) can be spoken short and quick, with almost no vowel stretch, or long and melodic, with extra emphasis on vowel flow and punctuation of the consonant 'k'.     There are no hard rules for the pronunciation of words, and subtle variation is common between different nomadic groups.


Limn contains only postpositions. Instead of "/under/ the table", they would say "the table /under/."


All dictionary pronunciations will be written using IPA format. As this is a shifting language, pronunciations are merely approximate.   Vowel sounds:
  • ɔ, a, ɪ, i, ɑ, œ, u
Consonant sounds:
  • m, n, w, b, d, t, ʒ, ç, s, h, r, k, l, z, g, j, ʃ, ǁ
(For audio examples, visit


16 Words.

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