Dorbard South Labyrinth Building / Landmark in The Delta of a Thousand Teeth | World Anvil
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Dorbard South Labyrinth

A strange, winding labyrinth. The entrance is located on the east beach of The Dip, a prominent bay on Dorbard South. It was disguised as a large rock outcropping until Skamos Ea and Ol' Bakka discovered a hidden stone depression which caused a large slab door to open.

Mapped with the hlep of Jill Cannirunnipelt

Purpose / Function



Smooth, thin hallways, five feet wide, seven or so feet tall. Rooms are also similarly carved to be near perfect rectangles. All turns are 90 degrees.
Dorbard South Labyrinth
by Jordy via donjon 5e generator
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)

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