A first glimpse into the nameless Foxspint Mine Report in The Delta of a Thousand Teeth | World Anvil
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A first glimpse into the nameless Foxspint Mine

General Summary

The Deadpoint Drift | Vol 5 Issue 6

From the Desk of Jill Cannirunnipelt

Adventurers Zoligg, Karick Stahland, Mo Noodles and No Luck Nick went back to Foxspint Isle to delve into the lost depths of the old Nameless Mine.

Inside, they say, is pitch black. There's water leaking from somewhere, as everything is damp and wet. Tall ceilings, clearly hewn out of the rocks of the hillside.

There was also life! Piranha-like fish, and nasty fish-people. "200 percent hostile, fishman," says Karick. "[The] blood is stinky but delicious," remarked Mo. Clearly, the hostile creatures within did not stand much of a chance against our heroes.

Also discovered were something Karick calls Steam Mephits, which did not attack despite their temperamental nature. "Noodles go a long way," towards diplomacy, Mo Noodles reminds us. "They like to dance," said Mr. Zoligg Korvick [sp?], (of the Mephits, not the noodles).

More zombie sightings occurred as well, though the undead in the mine seem to be of a more average size than the alleged swimming monsters that have been spotted off Dorbard South's shore. These were dispatched with ease, according to the explorers.

Perhaps most exciting is some of the cartography work that's been undertaken by No Luck Nick. "I think I'm getting better at this hobby," he said, upon presenting a sketch of what area within the mine they'd discovered. Personally, this reporter is thrilled and took some time to help render a partial map for future use: see Nameless Mine.

Other news: a bustling village

It would seem that there's a growing entrepreneurial spirit in town, as our Guidelight Ainsley Sharkbane has told me that she's drawn up more than a few business permits in the past while. This finding comes along with all the upshot of other economic, civic and celebratory news:

  • Construction of new housing on schedule.
  • Town census drafted, distribution imminent.
  • CEE planning infrastructure/resource injection soon, town to vote on allocation.
  • Parties and carousing on the rise as Tiefling pair Oregano and Skamos Ea rock The Kedge with regular shindigs.
  • Celebration and new holiday planned for mid Resting Summer to honour contributions of our first 10 adventurers.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

Terrain scouting raven released from Nameless Mine entrance.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Party befriended a group of Steam Mephits
  • Party supplied the Airspear Origin Society with several items: Triangle marked gold and silver coin, scales from killed fishman, fishman's trident, thin green stones found in floor, zombie head (mostly skull), clockwork fish trinket.
  • Party supplied the CEE with the thin green stones, a moldy fan with a picture of a cat on it, and old socks.
  • Mo Noodles submitted a formal request to start a charitable noodle outreach station. See: Noodle Outreach Station Proposal
Culdarian Calendar
16 Full Summer

Report Date
10 Jul 2019
Primary Location
Participating Adventurers
No Luck Nick, Mo Noodles, Karick Stahland, Zoligg

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