Plague Rats Organization in The Dark Utopia | World Anvil
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Plague Rats

One of the oldest and most notorious gangs in the Dark Utopia. No one can remember their origins and mostly it seems that they have always been there. Presumably they came from the Woundland, but these days they can be found all over the larger cities of the dark utopia. The members are mostly rodent-like Twisted, but accept every dark being regardless of their origin (except for the upper class. Plague Rats hate the so-called social elite.) Members of the Plague Rats are easily recognized by their neon-green or neon-yellow, latex-like clothing and gas masks that is somehow reminiscent of Hazmat suits. They tend to adopt abandoned buildings and underground tunnels as territory and mostly rule over their city's underworld. Plague rats tend to have a "live and let live" attitude, preferring to keep to themselves and stay out of trouble. On the other hand, they are quite vindictive, if you mess with one of them, you usually have to deal with the whole gang (gang wars with the Plague Rats are a very one-sided and short thing). The members of the Plague Rats are quite frank, but the inner workings of the gang remain a mystery and a lot of rumors circulate about them. If they stay out of criminal business, why are their members always so well equipped? Where do you get the money from? Why are there no dropouts? (Dropouts are not killed or blackmailed, there simply aren't any.)

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