Trollskull Manor Building / Landmark in The D&D-verse | World Anvil
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Trollskull Manor

Trollskull Manor, a charming tavern nestled within the bustling city of Waterdeep, holds a secret known only to a select few. While it may appear like any other establishment from the outside, it serves as a haven for disaffected Drow refugees, primarily those associated with Bregan D’aerthe, seeking a new life in the surface world.   Once a dilapidated inn, Trollskull Manor has been lovingly restored by its Drow inhabitants to serve as both a legitimate business and a covert base for Bregan D'aerthe's clandestine operations. The tavern's facade exudes an inviting aura, drawing in patrons from all walks of life who are unaware of the hidden community residing within its walls.   Inside, the tavern buzzes with activity. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, with lively conversations and the clinking of glasses filling the air. The Drow staff, disguised as surface-dwelling individuals, seamlessly blend in with the diverse crowd, hiding their true identities and origins.   The staff of Trollskull Manor consists of skilled Drow operatives from Bregan D'aerthe, using their talents to manage the day-to-day operations of the tavern while discreetly carrying out the organization's covert missions in the city. These operatives, often experienced in espionage and subterfuge, work diligently to ensure the safety and well-being of the Drow refugees under their care.   The living quarters within the manor are thoughtfully arranged to accommodate the visiting Drow who seek shelter and assistance in their transition to life on the surface. Many of these refugees have left behind troubled pasts in cities like Ched Nasad, Luskan, and Menzoberranzan, seeking a fresh start and the opportunity to build a new community.   Trollskull Manor serves as a meeting place for these disaffected Drow, providing a sense of belonging and camaraderie. Here, they find solace in each other's company, sharing stories of their struggles, dreams, and aspirations. The manor acts as a stepping stone for those who wish to emigrate to the hidden depths below Waterdeep, connecting them to the bustling underground city of @Skullport.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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Cover image: Trollskull Tavern by Midjourney


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