The Abyss Geographic Location in The D&D-verse | World Anvil
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The Abyss

The Abyss, a boundless and ever-expanding plane of chaos and evil, is a nightmarish realm teeming with malevolent forces and home to countless demons. It is a place of relentless torment, anarchy, and unbridled power. It is a realm that embodies the darkest aspects of existence, a place where only the most fearless and cunning can navigate its dangers and emerge with their sanity intact.   The Endless Abyss: The Abyss stretches infinitely, with its layers expanding continuously, each layer more treacherous and chaotic than the last. The plane is a twisted reflection of existence, a labyrinthine expanse where reality is warped, and the laws of nature hold little sway. It is a realm of perpetual darkness, interspersed with horrific landscapes and chasms that seem to go on forever.   Chaotic Hordes: The Abyss is the dwelling place of an infinite multitude of demons, creatures born of pure chaos and malice. Demons of all shapes and sizes, from lowly imps to towering balors, roam its layers, each driven by their insatiable hunger for destruction and dominance. These chaotic beings are constantly at war with each other, their battles echoing throughout the planes and fueling the ceaseless chaos of the Abyss.   The Layers of the Abyss: The Abyss is comprised of countless layers, each ruled by a powerful demon lord and inhabited by legions of their followers. These layers differ in landscape, atmosphere, and the types of demons that inhabit them. From the fiery pits of the first layer to the icy wastes of the deepest realms, each layer presents its own perils and challenges, serving as a testament to the diversity and boundless malevolence of the Abyss.   The River Styx: Flowing through the layers of the Abyss is the River Styx, a foul and treacherous river of liquid evil. Its murky depths are home to abominations and undead creatures, and its toxic waters can drive mortals to madness or bind them to eternal servitude. It serves as a boundary and a means of transportation between different layers of the Abyss, with powerful demons and adventurers braving its dangers to navigate the chaotic depths.   The Demonweb Pits: Deep within the Abyss lies the original The Demonweb Pits , a domain of immense power and influence. It was the home of Lloth, Demon Queen of Spiders , and the center of her webs of deceit and manipulation. The passage to the Demonweb Pits is a treacherous journey, fraught with deadly obstacles.


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