Darthurst Geographic Location in The Crammeoron Islands | World Anvil
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Darthurst is a chain of islands which is in the shape of a large circle with a pool of water in the middle of it. Darthurst is one of the largest weapon manufacturing chains across all of The Crammeoron. Almost every town has a blacksmith of some sort, and some of the most advanced technology comes out of the town of Darthurst. There are many skyscrapers and large industrial cities across the entire chain, as well as impressive military, called The Dauntless Defenders. The early versions of muskets were developed in Darthurst and The Dauntless Defenders were famous for pushing back an invasion of wyverns, using never before seen poison gas grenades, which are now known as Snappers, originating from the load snapping noise that sounds when you throw them. Darthurst's large technological boom comes from a vast and rich underground mine discovered by a group of scuba divers. However, all of Darthurst's technological advancements come with their own major downfalls as well. Many of the land is rendered infertile from the large amount of industrialization and with all of the weapons made in Darthurst, some of them are used for horrific war crimes or by citizens to kill or maim.


There are a total of 21 islands across the entirety of Darthurst. These islands spaced somewhat far apart, and form a ring around a part of the ocean. There a few man-made canals leading form the inside of this ring leading to the outside sea. As such, there are many docks on the inside of the ring, but the ocean is somewhat polluted due to the underground mining going on underneath the surface. There are many high areas as well, though a lot of the mountains have been industrialized over and made into sniper towers or battle areas. However, most of the forests of Darthurst have suffered extreme deforestation and been destroyed in warfare.

Fauna & Flora

There isn't much flora or fauna because of the amount of deforestation and industrialization in the chain. There are many farm animals that are mass bred across the chain to feed The Dauntless Defenders and to sell to the residents of the chain. There aren't many kinds of fauna in Darthurst, only common spices of trees and flowers.

Natural Resources

There are all kinds of ores on the bottom of the ocean in various caves and underneath the surface. Some of the rarest jewels are found in the largest quantities underneath the polluted depths, such as diamonds, platinum, and emerald. The most common ore in these underground caves however is silver. There are different things besides ores in these caves however, iron and steel are often found as well.


Darthurst was discovered by a scuba diver who had been caught in a riptide and washed up on the shore of the island. Eventually he was rescued by Colors, but word spread about the island chain that he has discovered. Although not many people came at first, after the news came out about the rich underwater caves, more and more people began coming to it. Soon the chain became industrialized heavily using the ores in the underwater caves and after about 2 decades, the chain became as technologically advanced as it is today.
Darthurst is an extremely industrial island, and as such it attracts dwarves, making them the most common race in Darthurst by an extremely large amount. Darthurst has a large crime rate though, many of the modern technology is used to commit hanus acts by the citizens of the town.

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