Thunderbird-Class Miniature Cannon Item in THE CONVERGENCE | World Anvil
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Thunderbird-Class Miniature Cannon

Manufactured by the Sunlit Isles Trading Company for the Twenty-Year War, the Thunderbrd-Class Miniature Cannon, better known as the Thunderbird, was one of the first firearms manufactured in Anuvera.   The weapon was originally built for the Eastern Allies in their fight against the Makovai Coalition just before the start of the Fifth Era. In the later years of the war, Allied High Command sought a ranged weapon more portable than an explosive cannon, but with comparable firepower. The ability to pierce dwarvish armor was also highly prized. As the central supplier of the Eastern Allies, the company responded to the order by drawing on several prototypes and eventually coming up with the Thunderbird.   The weapon resembled a long, thin cannon whose firepower was contained in a backpack-like vessel that wrapped around the user's body. It could be fired by pulling a lever atop the cannon's barrel. Unlike typical SIT Co. cannons, the Thunderbird was powered primarily by Byssan, a material extracted from certain trees in the Old Elvish Mountains.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged

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Cover image: by Thomas Cole


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