Human Species in THE CONVERGENCE | World Anvil
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Humans were a race that inhabited many parts of the Lands of Atla, particularly the southern and eastern regions of Atla Vera. An extremely diverse species, humans displayed perhaps the most variation among any known races.

Civilization and Culture


Humans were generally believed to have originated in Atla Vera, long before recorded history. At various points, certain human groups left the continent to settle other lands, most notable the ancestors of the Eripe and Ren Berig peoples. The remaining humans in Atla Vera were split between the forests of the south and the plains of the northeast, and thus evolved into the Trebai and the Alois, respectively.   During the First Era, both Eripeans and Ren Berig peoples returned to Atla Vera, due to different reasons. The Eripeans, which had settled on the islands of the Vagabond's Sea, were forced to give up their homes to due rising sea levels. The Ren Berig were forced out of their sacred island, Dal Cassia, by Kantaran conquerors. Upon their return, all human ethnic groups were visually and sociologically distinct from each other, and an existing balance of power between the Alois and the Trebai was disrupted. Prone to conflict, humans often warred with each other throughout history.   While divided into distinct groups, elements of various human cultures often interacted and crossed over with one another. Humans also engaged in cultural exchanged with non-human ethnic groups, leading to complicated human and non-human societies.   Compared to other races, humans had a relatively low lifespan, with virtually all human lives ending before a hundred years. Because of this, humans often struggled to achieve societal and technological advances at the same rate as other races. Conversely, humans far outnumbered any other race, reproducing more than any other intelligent species. Scholars theorized that this population growth prevented the collapse of humanity, despite its slower rate of progress.
70 to 90 years
Average Height
5 o 6 feet
Average Weight
100 to 200 pounds
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: by Thomas Cole


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