Fire Wagon Item in THE CONVERGENCE | World Anvil
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Fire Wagon

"We saw them [the enemy's fire wagons] and were struck with a deep terror. All the men in our front lines were obliterated by a massive column of flame and the smell was horrible." - Arturo Raventhorn, Makovai soldier
  A Fire Wagon was a mobile platform on which a pump-operated flamethrower was placed. Manufactured by the Sunlit Isles Trading Company, the vehicle saw extensive use in the final parts of the Twenty-Year War.
The wagon contained a large basin of Mykono C, a volatile substance also manufactured and owned by the Sunlit Isles Trading Company. Two individuals would operate a pump atop this basin that would shoot out the substance through a hose at the wagon's front. In front of this house was a mounted candle that lit the substance. The most sophisticated wagon designs could shoot this stream up to 35 feet. Four individuals, two on each side of the wagon, would push the vehicle along.   The wagon's front was plated with steel to prevent the machine from catching fire and endangering the crew, as well as effectively destroying the wagon. A downside of this was that the wagon could become too front-heavy, and fall forward on rough terrain. The results of this happening during an active flamethrowing were catastrophic, usually resulting in the deaths of all crew members.   Nevertheless, the wagon proved extremely effective, if destructive. During the last year of the Twenty Year War, Makovai High Command issued a formal protest against the machine, which was ignored. After the war, the Order of the Overlord agreed not to use fire wagons in future conflicts, but refused to destroy their existing designs. For this reason, fire wagons often found their way into the hands of bandit and private mercenary groups.   Fire wagons were sometimes referred to as "rolling volcanoes."
11ft x 5ft, not including forward wings

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Cover image: by Thomas Cole


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