Balasar Character in The Continent of Fjordharrn | World Anvil
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Balasar comes from a long line of dragonborn whose ancestry mostly stems from white dragons of times long past. Hundreds of years ago, these ancestors established themselves east of the Great Mountain in Arrhith as the Norixius clan. Today, Norixians make up for a small number of all dragonborn, but their location in the world allows members of the tribe trade and interact with members of other races, especially the people of Foendischlond and Hamyar, as well as other nearby tribes of dragonborn.   Most dragonborn inherit the ancient magical energy that their original draconic ancestors possess, but only a tiny fraction of them are able to manipulate that innate energy and use it to any effect. This magic tends to be primordial in nature, and it draws its power from nature and the elements of the world. Considered to be the doing of Airru, the Angel of Dragonkind, those able to use their magic are universally treated with a higher regard in all of dragonborn culture. Some of them use this to become chieftains of their tribes, while others have become legendary, carving their names into draconic history books.   Balasar discovered his gift roughly two years ago, but for a few years before then his primary role in his tribe was that of hunting. Although not the greatest shot with a hunting bow, Balasar learned the art of trapping much more quickly and naturally. Despite his skills, Balasar didn't bother too much to stick out from the rest of the Norixians, and happily hunted with his clanmates.   As tensions between the dwarves and dragonborn continued to rise over their endless disputes over the Great Mountain, small clashes would occur between groups of dwarves and dragonborn that encountered one another away from their civilizations. These typically were violent, and Balasar's hunting party was attacked by a passing group of dwarven hunters. The outmatched dragonborn fought off the assailants as best they could, but they were eventually slain. Balasar and a couple of others from his party managed to flee after the fighting ended. This event and several others have left a lasting effect on Balasar's opinion of dwarves and his attitude towards them.   In the present day, Balasar has recently been tasked with hunting after the legend of Norixius Eryax, a legendary sorcerer of the tribe who had left nearly half a century ago in search of fame. Eryax was known to be in Leopold City during the return of Sadariin, and had been killed while protecting others from the hordes of undead. Balasar finds himself on the hunt for answers in Endurea after journeying through the woods of Marenas to reach the capital city of St. Cecilia.

Balasar is a young dragonborn with the ability to harness the primordial powers of his draconic ancestors.

Character Location
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Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
1516 MT
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lbs.

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An Excerpt from Balasar's Journal
1526 MT

The following is an entry from Balasar's journal, six years before the events of the campaign take place. It was written entirely in Draconic script, but it's been translated to common for your convenience. Hopefully this gives you all some insight into Balasar's past and his opinion on the dwarves.   "I have heard numerous stories of the aggression of the Dwarven-kin, but yesterday I witnessed it first-hand. Our hunting party had departed from the camp a few hours before daybreak, and while I am technically too young to be drinking white mountain pekoe, lead huntress Havilar was feeling generous enough to sneak me a little. Thus, we headed towards the Great Mountain, the ancestral home of all dragons. The land was rich and plentiful, and we had great success in hunting our quarry. That is, until we encountered the Dwarves.   I had split off from my group with a couple of other trappers to find a good location to set up a few traps that we would check on the next day. But it wasn’t long before we were disrupted by the sound of shouting in the direction from which we came. Donaar and Heskan went back to investigate, but they quickly returned, alerting us that our sacred hunting grounds were being contested by none other than the Dwarves. That was enough for the rest of us to drop what we were doing and go back.   I heard Havilar shouting something to these dwarves, but something about their equipment terrified me. I saw hammers and greatswords, crossbows and longbows; the kinds of weapons for hunting men. It was at that moment that Kava unsheathed his blade and threatened the dwarves, telling them that they were tainting Airru’s gifts to the dragonkind. *the writing becomes noticeably less steady* He was slain in an instant, felled by a swift stab to the chest. His cry shall remain forever in my mind.   These dwarves... we did nothing to them. Our mere presence was enough to bring them to anger and murder. I watched as our hunters fought them, unaware to my own peril. One of the dwarves charged towards me and the trappers who remained near me. A spear thrown from afar punctured my leg as I turned to run. I fell hard, hitting my face against the cool mud along the river bank. I thought of being killed right then, my lifeless corpse sinking into the ground, never to be seen again.   I felt myself being pulled out of the mud, and I braced for a death that was no longer there. Instead, Heskan was holding me, with a bloody smile on his face. That’s when I noticed his severe wounds. Donaar was there, too, applying first aid to my injured leg and taking me from Heskan. He carried me away from the chaos with an urgency I had not seen before, telling me that I’d make it out alive, and that everything would be okay. Donaar is wrong. I saw those damned dwarves reveling in their slaughter as we fled. They enjoyed it. Nothing is okay when people are killing your kin with a smile on their face."