Tieflings Species in The Continent of Boesia | World Anvil
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Tieflings (often identified by their characteristic horns) are a species of humanoids present in Boesia.

Basic Information


Tieflings are anatomically similar to humans but may have some obviously different traits. Most commonly, Tieflings will have horns (these can vary wildly in shape and size). Some tieflings are born with prehensile tails.

Genetics and Reproduction

A tiefling is born under two sets of circumstances:
  1. A humanoid and an infernal, or another tiefling and a humanoid (or two tieflings for that matter) have a child together.
  2. A humanoid is born in a location affected by planar energy originating in the Hells (either due to magic-related circumstances or through the natural planar orbits as discussed in Boesian Cosmology).

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings reach maturity around the same time that humans do, and live a few years longer than the average human.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tieflings eat the same food that humans do, but they can subsist on ash or coal in an emergency.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tieflings can see in low-light conditions up to 60ft. While this is happening, they cannot perceive colour. This ability does not work in magical darkness or against fog and other obscuring forces.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The legal name of a tiefling usually depends on what culture they're a part of. Tieflings in the Emberleaf Republic may have Elduriean names, Albesian tieflings may have Bordeplayan names, etc. But this isn't always the case--many tieflings observe a cultural practice called virtue naming, wherein they choose a new name for themselves when they come of age. Some tieflings will change their legal name to reflect this, but not all do.


From the start, Tieflings have been met with fear, suspicion, and revilement. In the ancient era, the tieflings were a popular scapegoat utilised by the Draian Empire and the church. Following the cataclysm, the tieflings were seen as adjacent to, if not directly linked to the planar invasions that plagued the dark age. Yet, they persevered--the rise of the Naltherinist Faiths worked to improve the standing of tieflings among society, but the 25 centuries between the fall of the Draian Empire and the present day were fraught with turmoil and conflict, through which the perpetually marginalised tieflings time and time again worked to bend the arc of history towards a more just direction. By the 2460s, tieflings aren't without threats, but they've been able to build safe communities and live without mortal fear in many societies.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

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