Thirteenthborn - Breeders Species in The Connected | World Anvil
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Thirteenthborn - Breeders

The Thirteenthborn were given a rather proper if sometimes derogatory nickname. Their skin is always extremely fair but pale. They have horns placed at the sides of their heads that curve upwards, either crisscrossing eventually or meeting in the middle before going further upwards. Regardless of gender they tend to be somewhat feminine unless explicitly attempting to mold their body. Females themselves tend to bleed womanly charm and curves while males tend to be thin and lack much if any masculinity. What is not lacking is the libido they have and the tendency to breed often and almost extensively, with other Borns.   Pureblood
  • +2 Charisma
  • Beguiling Beauty: A pureblood is well at ease using their inner self and their form to beguile those around them. They hold (Proficiency Modifier) charges, and a charge can be used to attempt to charm any sentient creature. This ability has a DC of ((Charisma Modifier or Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Modifier) x2) and the sentient being does not receive advantage if they have been attacked by the pureblood or pureblood's allies for their wisdom saving throw. This charm if the target fails lasts (Proficiency Modifier) hours and the sentient creature must again roll a wisdom saving throw to understand they were charmed at the effects end. They will always be free of the charm if attacked by a pureblood or their ally and know that they were charmed. These charges are recovered after a long rest.
  • Personal Personification: A pureblood can single out an individuals desires to the point in which they seem to react to their target's fantasy. They can target an individual who must make a wisdom save again a DC of (8 + Charisma Modifier or Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Modifier) or fall under the illusion that the pureblood is their ideal fantasy. During this time a pureblood adds double their proficiency modifier to any test against the target. The effect last (Charisma Modifier or Dexterity Modifier x Proficiency Modifier) minutes and the target knows they were under some magical effect but they do not know the pureblood was the culprit The same sentient can not be targeted more than once by this effect per day. This ability can only be used (Proficiency Modifier) times per day, before needing a long rest to gain back uses.
  • +1 Charisma
  • Mystical Majesty: A halfblood is perhaps more in tune with the magical lines their body creates. They hold (Proficiency Modifier x Charisma Modifier or Dexterity Modifier) majesty charges. One charge can be used to attempt to charm a humanoid who must make a wisdom saving throw against a DC of (Charisma Modifier or Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Modifier + 8). An additional charge can be used to raise the DC by one, two can be used to add another target, three to extend the process for an hour for every target or four charges per target to force the humanoids to make an additional check at the end of it's effects, regardless of being attacked or not to know that they were charmed.
  • Intrinsic Insight: A halfblood has a certain intrinsic knowledge to them, they may make an insight check against any sapient individual who rolls a wisdom check to hide their preferences. If the target fails this check, the halfblood may add their proficiency modifier on top of all other modifiers when doing any charisma or dexterity based check on the target. This ability can only be used (Proficiency Modifier + Charisma Modifier or Dexterity Modifier) times per day and can only be used on the same target once per day.

Too Preoccupied with Pleasure

Thirteenthborn - 148 RT
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