Sixthborn - Shadowborn Species in The Connected | World Anvil
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Sixthborn - Shadowborn

Very familiar to the Firstborn  in appearance, though in color they are rather the extreme inverse. Their complexions are a dark purple at lightest and black as night at darkest. They possess the physical elegance of the Firstborn but lack the public grace and feel more comfortable in less light. They fortunately possess the vision to some extent for their desire to find themselves in the dark. Their irises are regularly the colors of metals. Shadowborn over all may lack a bit of the natural grace but have good control of the shadows and generally are fierce when hurt, an animal like survival instinct inside them.     Pureblood
  • +2 Dexterity
  • Eyes of Shadow: A pureblood possesses eyes that are much more akin to the dark than they are the light. they possess ninety feet of darkvision however without the proper equipment to navigate normal light or the day time, they possesses only sixty feet of normal vision.
  • Formless Wake: A pureblood has much more control over their form lying within shadow and darkness. Not only do they add their proficiency modifier onto any dexterity based roll on top of all other effect but their movement is increased by (Proficiency Modifier) x 5 feet, and difficult terrain and obstacles are only half as effective.
  • Sudden Ferocity: Whenever a pureblood takes damage when their health is lower than half, they may use their reaction if they can to make an attack of opportunity against their attacker.
  • +1 Dexterity
  • Half of Dark: A halfblood lacks both the great eyesight in the dark of their pureblood counterpart, however they also do not suffer as greatly within the day. Halfbloods have dark vision of thirty feet and without visual aide have one hundred and twenty feet of normal vision, though only when in bright light and at the brightest points of the day.
  • Wrapped in Shadow: A halfblood has a far more intense but limited ability of adjusting within shadow. For (Charisma Modifier or Dexterity Modifier) times per day, the halfblood can make themselves invisible within shadow or darkness for (Proficiency Modifier) x 10 minutes, however it is disrupted if they move more than half their movement a turn rounded down, or take an action.

Cowards in the Dark

Sixthborn - RT 88
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