Valyrio Geographic Location in The Colossuss Galaxy | World Anvil
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The prettiest planet on the galaxy

A planet where big waterfalls and huge rivers are the typic thing. This place is a big planet with low gravity because of its little internal core, making its internal activity insignificant. It has lots of tectonic plates, making lots of ideal locations for both deep oceans, large island chains and huge mountain ranges.


Its most known characteristic is the quantity of islands, mountains and deep oceans. This is because of the high amount of tectonic plates is has, more than a hundred. These plates move constantly and create such massive and beautiful places.

Fauna & Flora

The Birshka is the perfect example of flora, a white and long flower. As some of other species, Valyrio is characterized by lighter than usual species, and that is because the excessive amount of Ozone on its high atmosphere. This creates a barrier that stops almost all ultraviolet rays from entering the planet, making a friendly environment for light colored species.

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