The United Colonial Republic Organization in The Colonists | World Anvil
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The United Colonial Republic


  Born from the ashes of the old world, the UCR/UCRE (United colonial Republic/ Republics of Earth) was an attempt to wrestle all control of human exploration and military power under one unifying world government. It boasted a democratic government centered from the founding Earth Sol, using it as the breadbasket and supply point to fuel further human expansion for most of its reign. It maintained near total control of mankind for around 400 years before it began to experience turmoil and collapse in rapid succession. Though, it would not officially become the United Colonial Republics of Earth until 2120 and was referred to the United Earth Republic before.

  Forming originally of primarily NATO countries after the Third Earth War. Due to the devastation, most nations within its borders experienced a police state out of necessity. Rationing systems were in effect and education had forgone almost everything other than focus on the sciences and jobs that work to preserve the human race. Mandatory child policies were enacted to maintain population sizes, cloning was re-evaluated for its purposes in regrowing the human race often forcing families to raise a cloned child as if it were their own, strict curfews were put into place and harsh punishments were given out to violators. Money was almost non-existent. Work was what earned you rations. Luxuries were minimal. Such brutal and authoritarian measures were seen as necessary at the time. Humanity HAD to survive and the UCR would be the ones to ensure its survival.

  In these early years mankind was gripped with the fear that the climate would freeze over from nuclear winter, and that the blight of crops plaguing the Eastern world would spread west. It was the desperation of the need to survive which led mankind to its salvation: outer space. Small inner-system leaps forward had been made since the 2020’s. Exploration continued and another smaller, yet still technologically insightful space race had been undertaken before the third world war. It was looking back upon these advancements which led to the breakthroughs of the first FTL drive on ships. A theory at first, but through testing and much focus and funding from the government had a breakthrough. While the drive was being tested, work began on a fleet of ships in orbit and on Earth itself. It would be the Exodus fleet that would guide mankind to their new homes. Careful planning went underway. Industrial printers, concrete, blueprints, seeds, cloning vats and artificial wombs to help nudge population growth; everything the UCR could find a use for, they would try to get on board the ships. All the while, test ships and test beacons would be flown nearly every month. Pushing further and further out into the system. Dropping beacons, or satellites, and attempting to make the jump back. Successes and failures brought the UCR ever closer to the goal of guiding a fleet out of the system, and when the government finally gave the okay, the fleet with its passengers and cargo left the Earth Sol to a new frontier in the Kepler system.

  The colony fleet would not be heard from for nearly fifty years. It was presumed a failed attempt after twenty. Though the first fleet was seen by all accounts as a disaster, the public never got word of what happened. Propaganda and media blackouts kept them ignorant, and they kept working as usual. Two years after the first fleet was built, another was launched to a different system. Then another. Then another. Eventually it was two small fleets every year, packed with enough colonists, industrial equipment, oxygen, food/rations, seeds, medical equipment etc to start a small town. Other nations outside of the UCR’s influence followed suit, though there weren’t many left. Their own space programs carefully copied what they could to try their hand at their own efforts. The UCR even shared its information and technology early on as best they could. It was about survival of the human race afterall, not what ethnicity survived. A rebuilding Russia and Pan-Asian alliance would be the more successful of the still independent nations in their colonial endeavors. These independent nations would eventually be forced or coaxed to join the UCR in the early 2200’s.

  For the next 300 years, colonies would report back to Earth through a complex system of satellites that would be dropped off by small unmanned ships along areas of travel between systems. Highways would be set up, trade networks opened, and everything that could be evacuated and packed up from Earth to move elsewhere would be. Entire regions of Earth are almost completely depopulated and left to nature. Others were kept, in order to preserve some of the legacy of mankind and its heritage. Though- all Earth nations would eventually find themselves under the control of the UCR, during this Era of Exploration as it would be dubbed. The UCR would still maintain its control and dominance over the colonies, but some liberalization would be reintroduced and freedoms would be restored as mankind began to thrive off Earth. Corporations and a capitalist economy would begin to flourish as society began to move beyond just a work for survival system, instead beginning to enjoy the luxuries of their own hard work and advancements. Artificial intelligence was advanced as planetary overseers would be introduced to some newer colonies to help the stress and burden of the settlers managing it. Synthetics and androids would be progressed to be nearly identical to humans in every right, but entirely artificial. They would be used to replace those in high or low gravity colonies, so that humankind would not have to worry about splintering ‘post-human’ subspecies. Cloning would be tripled, as well as the process of making clones refined entirely by the Zen Corporation. Private colonial enterprises would experiment with autonomously constructed colonies, by sending machines to terraform worlds for humans to populate later.

Everything for a time was what many would consider a golden age, but the following decline would ensure the future generations would not refer to it as that. Despite capitalist markets beginning to flourish and more liberalization to the government, taxes would be incredibly high to afford the innumerous government policies and over bloated bureaucracy, as well as child policies still being enforced through many systems. Supplies of food were being mismanaged and non-agricultural systems would either receive too little or too much. UCR security forces were still carrying out the heavy handed punishments that those in the past would have to survive with, but were unnecessary now. The opening of independent media sources would have much of the government media undermined, as well as government scandals brought into the light. The outer colonies and systems would increasingly see the Earth government as out of touch with their lives so far away and many during this time would begin trying to draft up their own constitutions yet still operate under the authority of the UCR.

It would all come falling apart when the Broid incident occurred; one of the planetary overseer AI, for reasons only speculated on as a glitch or an error in its code, went rampant. The media in the past had covered incidents where an android would kill its master or AI’s misleading people to their demise, but never on the scale and intensity of an entire planetary overseer. The planet Broid, a non-agricultural world, but on one with Earthlike gravity was managed entirely by an artificial intelligence named Venus. It would begin shutting down oxygen ventilation systems and begin locking down maintenance shafts and large scale underground systems for the inhabitants to move between habitats. Nano-machines would be released into people’s bodies to instill seizures and brain damage. At one point the UCR naval forces around the planet even intercepted it trying to upload itself onto their own ships, only stopped by severing the planet’s satellite array and bombarding the planet’s surface. Everything following had to be purged and the UCR was fine to declare Broid as a quarantined world from a disease. Rumors got out however, and speculation rose. The government, in an attempt to save face would, though still attempting to keep the system’s fate largely quiet, would move forward with anti-AI propaganda, and crack downs would begin in attempts to purge the AI and synthetics from their ranks.

Small scale rebellions from synths and androids would occur, but to little success. Eventually the UCR would reinstate martial law on several worlds until their purges would be complete, stripping an already angry and paranoid population of their freedoms further. The first planet to go would be Concordia, one of the planets who had previously tried to draft up their own legislation, would refuse to accept UCR authority any further, and in response see the heaviest crackdown from the UCR yet. The outrage that followed from the already frustrated and spiraling outer colonies would spearhead in mass as Planetary Guard forces and colonial leadership from across the outer colonies would declare the UCR as an illegitimate government and declare their own independence.

The 11 year struggle that followed would see brutal measures met by brutal measures. The military at the time had very little in the way of heavily armed vessels, and space combat would end up as multiple small scale skirmishes or attacks on unarmed transport ships. The combat on planets however would see much worse. Radicalized guerillas fighting against what was essentially an underprepared militarized police force rather than a fully fledged military. As the years progressed the military technology and ship construction methods would see great leaps forward, but the violence would only devolve further. Nothing was off the table. Bio-agents and chemical weapons would be deployed by the UCR and rebel forces both, but the UCR was lacking in what the rebels had: an entirely radicalized force of men and women willing to die to the last man to gain their liberty. It would leave the UCR military and population demoralized to the point of eventually calling a ceasefire, and giving into the demands of many of the rebel systems. The UCR used its last available strategy to come out with their best case scenario, which was sacrificing a large portion of their territory and give into demands of secessionists in one area, to weaken another. When the Free colonies were established, those rebel systems that didn’t find themselves in the zone were refocused on by the UCR military, and brought to heel quickly and quietly.

Since the secessionist crisis some 300 years ago the UCR has seen the demilitarization of its territory, mothballing thousands of warships that were produced at the time, and the general improvement of the quality of life of its civilians. That being said, good things don’t last forever and all empires fall eventually. The problems that lead to the Colonial Rebellions have once again returned over time as out of touch politicians make the policy for an ever increasing population of the politically inept, and the same complaints have led to a nearly identical secession crisis all over again. Despite the new war beginning, and despite the UCR military being completely unprepared; it is a juggernaut on the rise as the military industrial complex of the single largest human nation kickstarts back to life. The galaxy trembled in its wake.



  The Politics of the UCR/UCRE is a Republic in name only. In truth it is a Representative Democracy that represents Earth and her interests alone. Earth Sol and the Arcadia System would be the two systems to really be able to hold all power over the other nations, being the most populated and strongest in GDP. Other solar systems and colonies would be able to veto proposals that the two twin solar systems would present, but only with an overwhelming majority support which was rare. Elections take place every six years for new members of the voting legislation and leaders of the Solar System governors. There are only 5 permitted political parties within the UCR, as too many and the belief is that there would eventually simply be alliances anyway to merge parties into one, and too little would not represent the people's views. All member colonies have their own miniature form of the UCR's greater political system at play in their own solar systems. The parties are the 'People's Socialist Party', the 'Social Democrats', 'the Libertarians', and 'Republic Labor Party', and the 'Party Right Conservatives'. The majority of UCR history and policy making has been held by an alliance between the People's Socialists and Social Democrat parties, with Labor and Libertarians bouncing back and forth.

  Leadership would not be originally under one man, but early on from a committee. As time progressed, a presidential figurehead was seen as somewhat more important to have from each colony and elected governors would be the defacto face of each colony and its interests. Earth and Arcadia however, were always seen as the two heads of state based alone on the power those systems would wield.



  • People's Socialist Party: The more extreme leftist party, advocating for near communism on a large scale. Though they do not have the pull that the Social Democrats have, they do represent another large body of the political mass, from the urban environment. Made up by majority collegiate youth and the 'intellectual' class as they self describe themselves, their body adds a firm backbone to the alliance betweent hemselves and Social Democrats.
  • Social Democrats: Most popular political body, representing the majority of the larger populated cities across the UCR, giving it the majority of its voting power
  • Libertarians: Smallest political party, advocating for near eradication of many bureucratic institutions across the UCR and further liberal freedoms and reforms made to the bloated system.
  • Republic Labor Party: Representative party of a majority of space mining operations and non-agricultural worlds across the UCR. Voting primarily where what they see as best for the lives of the workers operating out in the void to supply the UCR's ever expansive territories.
  • Party Right Conservatives: The Party Right Conservatives have run on a policy of fiscal responsibility, shrinking the government, espousing traditional values of the old world, and reinvesting and refitting the military.


  Earth Sol
  • The heart of humanity. Mostly depopulated by now, but retaining the capital cities of every old world nation left, leaving only the wealthiest or luckiest to stay on the old homeworld. Parts of the planet have been returned to nature completely, or turned into massive industrial agricultural centers, harvesting massive amounts of food.
  • Loyalist
Arcadian System
  • Much like Earth, but focusing more heavily on agricultural production. Mostly made up of a few large cities dotting the planet with hundreds of rural towns making up the majority of the working class keeping the harvesters going and mines operating
  • Loyalist
Auroran System
  • The Auroran system's capital Aurora is Earthlike, but made up of a lot more water surface than Earth or Arcadia. With still a single large main continent on it, the majority of the main continent has been converted to food harvesting, while the other smaller islands and smaller continents have been left untouched. Aurora has a large military center on the planet, reminiscient of Terra Prime when it was a part of the UCR, training some of the best officers and NCO's to lead the army of the UCR.
  • Loyalist
Aeon System
  • Almost entirely a water world, with the exception of small islands dotting the surface of the world, Aeon has been mostly used as a habitat for humans, but not exactly a angricultural producing world, keeping what they produce for only themselves and their system. That being said, much like Aurora, the Aeon system houses a large drydock in orbit, producing large quantities of civilian vessels, and later warships.
  • Loyalist
Nova Aquitaine System
  • Earthlike, Agricultural factory for surrounding systems with 5 Large megacities, and the remainder of the habitats being smaller rural habitats to maintain farms
  • Loyalist
Carloman System
  • Earthlike, Agricultural factory for surrounding systems with 5 Large megacities, and the remainder of the habitats being smaller rural habitats to maintain farms. Military Facility for the Federal Army and Marine training.
  • Loyalist
Miran System
  • Earthlike, 55% water, former massive food production system.
  • Bordering UCR space and the Free colonies.
  • Traitors to the Republic
Cascadian system
  • 70% Water, Agricultural center. Lightly populated overall, with much much smaller Early 21st century sized cities, and even smaller towns.
  • Planet Guard mutinied against Federal military orders and sided with local government
  • Traitors to the Republic
Anjouvite System
  • Very much like Earth and Arcadia, though less populated, looks to be another in the swelling ranks of the leading member states
  • Has had difficulty with insurgents
  • Loyalist
Fonshu System
  • very largely underpopulated. Massive Agricultural hub, with only one megacity on the planet. Everythign else dotting it is small cities to rural towns.
  • The Start of the Secessionist crisis
  • Ṯ̷̌r̵̝̄a̸̤͌i̵̘͂t̸̬̕o̷̭̾ŕ̸̢s̸͙̒ ̸̝̊t̸̖̓ò̵͕ ̵̼͒ṱ̵̇h̵͇͑e̵̜̿ ̵̠͠R̴͖̔ė̵̙p̸̧̚u̸̧͑b̶̲̀l̶̦͝ĭ̸͙c̴͓͑
Umar System
  • We are free
Aurumarian System
  • Break y̵̻͝o̵̱̚u̶̙͂r̷̃͜ c̸̡̙̺̥̾̔͆h̷̫̣̪̻̘͑͆ả̷͙͘i̷̡̳̋̈͝ņ̵̰͎͇͎̦̅̏̐s̴̢͚̼͂̊̉͌́̈́
New Hubei
  • Nearly Earthlike, humans still have to live in habitats, but terraforming process has made great leaps in bringing the atmosphere and oxygen levels close to where needed.
  • Loyalist
Arvo System
  • Loyalist
  • Run by Trident Company, with oversight from the UCR. Produces food and used largely as a corporate retreat. Largely underpopulated with Only one large city.
  • LoyṂ̶̎̓ū̷̥̣̆r̴̹̜̕ḍ̸͑͜ę̷̔r̵̨̄̀ͅȇ̵̮̓r̶̦̥͋s̴͇̐
  Ẁ̵̘͑a̴̖͆̕k̵̛̲̔e̷̬̓͒ ̴̖̑ư̴̦̈́p̶̦̊

  W̷a̴k̴e̷ ̵u̵p̶

  W̵̠͈̫̜̖̏͋ͅa̴̛̻̦̦͗̿̌k̷̲̖͚̤̪̫̿ę̴͇̹̲̃͊̽ ̶̱̐̿̽͂̽̄ȕ̵͓̮̟̜̞̦̀ṕ̷̖͌̕



  The issues that the UCR has faced and always faced stems from the way it's government works. True that it touts that everyone has a voice and is represented, the actuality of it is that the other parties and parts of the colonies view it as rule by mob; Dictatorship of the Cities. With the populations being so heavily invested in the large megacities across UCR colonized space, and those that live within them having little idea of the hard work that goes into maintaining such a massive empire, they often overlook or just have apathy towards everyone outside them. The disconnect caused by the urban centers complete lakc of understanding of the people of their rural environments or their work force in deep space is what caused the Colonial Rebellion before and what is causing the second secession crisis.
The financial and material burden placed on everyone working outside of the cities is near crippling to most, working paycheck to paycheck, while being promised that the Social Democrat party or the People's socialist party has their interests at heart was visible to all. Labor Unions on Agricultural planets would be in the pocket of the two parties, while the spacers and other solar mining operations would not even be permitted to unionize in the first place. Everything would feed into the livlihoods of the wealthy. Though the cities would have their own wealth disparities, comparitive to their rural workers and solar workers, their poorest was high class. Taxes were at a high 80%, using it to fund the UCR's enourmous bureaucratic body and social programs. Little would be left for luxury, and luxury goods were harder to come by out in space or in rural areas.
Families who did not produce their own offspring would still be issued by the government one child, artificially made in vats, regardless of if the parents consented. The police would shut down most political protests without hesitation if the most bare minimum amount of unrulyness was seen. Often protests would end with high powered water canons and tear-gas being used on protesters. The military acted often as a secondary police force, unlike the Planet Guard, would be outsiders from other systems brought in to police foreigners with little care for who they hurt.
Freedom of speech was allowed, but any who stepped even the slightest bit out of line would be de-personed and de-platformed. They would have no ability to work, or access their own bank accounts as the monetary system was all controlled from a digital central banking system. Cash was nonexistent. The independent media would have to be very cautious on what they say, or have to go underground uploading articles through various de-centralized sites.
They have l̵i̴e̸d̴ to us. The are using us. Open your e̵y̷e̸s̵. The UCR is the enemy.
Geopolitical, Republic

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