Introduction to the story | Lady Olénie | The City of the Hundred Fiefs | Novel upcoming
Icons from Game-Icons: pouring-pot, face-to-face, eye-target, three-friends, pestle & mortar, minions, bubbles, ladle, baby-face, backstab, cooler, chemical-drop, furnace, shears, ladder, spyglass, wine-glass, full-metal-bucket, paint-bucket, spanner, and tinker.
Aura icon from RPG-Awesome, coins icon from Font-Awesome.
Other icons made by me using a combination of these as a basis.
Note on job titles
Sexy sexy "stench" of magic, hmmmm? XD I love that you have included career progression in this article, and I like that there are different options. The sorts of temperatures they are working with would definitely send me in the mounting direction rather than the working glass direction. XD
It's well known that power is sexy :p Most of the heat is contained inside a closed furnace, but yes, especially as we're having the summer heat waves here right now, it was also my first though when writing this XD