The circle of chains Circle of Gods World Timeline Timeline
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Circle of Gods World Timeline

Era of the Immortals

When Gods were everything, and eternal

  • 0

    Creation of the Material World
    Era beginning/end

Era of Balance

0 2275

When the mortal races lived in the Material World alongside the Ancient Gods (Material Arrival)

  • 0 MA

    Creation of the Material World
    Era beginning/end

  • 500 MA

    2000 MA

    God of Wisdom Starts to Hunger
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The God of Wisdom, Patron of the Southern Continent, starts to realise he is losing his immortality, and begins to fall into despair, consuming everything around him.

  • 750 MA

    God of Order Begins to Fall into Madness
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The fear of falling into Mortality starts to lead the God of Order into Madness, weakening it's grip on his own continent.

  • 1000 MA

    God of Death starts planting seeds of discord in the Living Realm
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    God of Death starts using his acolytes to spread his influence in the Living Realm .

  • 1750 MA

    1755 MA

    Eladrin arrive to the Eastern Continent, Rendara-düh

    With the Blessing of Gaia, a fleet of Eladrin sail around the Abyssal Current into the Western Coast, Creating their first colonies, one of which is Fyr-Elfhafen , making the first contact with Men

    Additional timelines
  • 2000 MA

    God of Wisdom Fades into the Death Realm
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After Consuming most of what existed in the Continent, the God of Wisdom becomes weak enough to be dragged into the Death Realm, where it currently fights non-stop against the God of Death, slowly being consumed out of independent existence.

  • 2250 MA

    God of Order Falls into Madness and Chains
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After an initially slow, but continuously faster descent into Madness, the God of Order eventually loses his grip on his own consciousness.

  • 2250 MA

    2275 MA

    The Catastrophe
    Era beginning/end

  • 2275 MA

    Dragons Go into Hiding and Hibernation

    As the Gods of Order and Wisdom lose their power and influence on the Living Realm, some of the existing dragons begin to seal themselves in their hidden lair.

Era of Mortality

When the Mortal races lived alone in the world, away from the blessing of the Ancient Gods (PF: Post-Catastrophe)