Smuggler Profession in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil


When most people think of smugglers they think ships or boats carrying illegal goods stored away in hidden compartments skirting the coastal reaches evading local authorities to deliver narcotics or wisk away a fugitive. Smugglers on the other hand tend to think of themselves as transporters of cargo both legal and illicit. Also not all smugglers even know they are smugglers, in these cases they guity by accociation cause the ship they are employed by someone is a smugglers vessel and they do even know it.     Not all smugglers are bad people or criminals either, when Zarpurazz and his worshipers controlled the continent of Toroum it was many brave smugglers who rose to the occasion. Whether it was smuggling in food or trade goods deemed illegal by the ruling government or smuggling people off the continent to freedom in other lands. Smugglers proved invaluable during those dark times and as beacons of hope for many of the people they were helping. A few smugglers became somewhat of folk heroes to the people of Toroum. While smuggling is considered a criminal offense its not one that is generally punishable by death if found guity. This was not the case in Toroum during those dark times any smuggler who was caught providing aid to the citizens of Toroum were put to death and then hung where they were caught to serve as an example against


Career Progression

The ability to lie and keep your cool in a tight spot.

Payment & Reimbursement

Smugglers are usually paid quite well for what they do and in most cases the work they do is frowned upon by by most goverments. That last part is what allows a smuggler to drive up thier price. Phrases like "if you'd like to avoid any unnecessary entaglements" or "oh I can get you in but its gonna cost you" are ones that just saw a jobs payout increase by two or three time the normal rate.

Articles under Smuggler