Uasal Crusades Military Conflict in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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Uasal Crusades

A pivotal moment in the history of the Principality of Grazia where members of the Shining Path crossed the borders of the former Republic of Grazia. This act was caused by the Republic's internal turmoil, loss of control over its citizens, and a notable lapse in border security. The cause of this chaos was attributed to the curse known as the Eclipsing, a curse associated with the twin deities a from the Lunaris Sect. While the Lunaris Sect had a history of eclipsing individuals who opposed their beliefs, this large-scale manifestation was entirely unprecedented.The reasoning as to how the Eclipsing's impact occured remains shrouded in mystery, as it had never occurred on such a widespread scale.
  The curse of the Eclipsing was the major factor for the Republic of Grazia's descent into chaos. This unprecedented occurrence left the nation in a great state of turmoil, as many of their populace spontaniously erupted into primal beastlike monstrosities.
  The consequences of the Eclipsing extended far beyond the borders of Republic of Grazia. Eclipsed individuals were discovered roaming the lands of Aliech, terrorizing settlements belonging to the Aliech Kingdom. This menace prompted the Aliech Kingdom to take action in response to the dire situation as refugees would spontainously erupt by the eclipse curse.
  The incursion of Eclipsed individuals into the Aliech Kingdom's territory served as a catalyst for action. Concerned for their own safety and the security of their settlements, the Aliech Kingdom began to consider their response to this unforeseen threat.


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