Tijara Character in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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The Chariot of Wealth


  The symbol of Tijara is known to be utilized by vagabonds, merchants, and aspirants alike who seek to embolden their own pockets and endless sense of greed.
  Symbolized as a golden wheel of a chariot, Tijara was known as one of the most prolific and wealthiest divinities that ever roamed Iberia. Known primarily for their ability to traverse all forms of terrains through their golden chariot, many of the masses would see traces of gold within the trails left throughout the lands.
  They were also known to be popular with multiple divinities and humanoids, as their beauty and lavish style would garner the fancy of many.
  Blinded by the opportunity of fortune and the allure of Tijara, many faithful of other religions would fall victim to their desires, and abandon their faith. These new followers would adorn Tijara's symbology into their apparel and vehicles by molding of gold into it.
  This would continue for many years as followers would establish ways of various ways of worship, and a new language dedicated to the faithful disciples of Tijara's followers.
  Tijara would continue their travels until one day, they had consumed alcohol they were given mysteriously as a present. Clouded by the alcohol, they found their judgment lacking, and their ability to wield their chariot reduced.
  This would persist for many years to come until they had decided to take the reins and ride once more. However, this would prove too difficult. Through a complicated maneuver performed in a turbulent environment, the chariot's wheel would collapse under pressure, tumbling all of their wealth from their chariot.
  Most of the riches that were acclimated over the thousands of years were rumored to be lost to the sea of the Infinite Horizon. As time would pass, much of the riches would spread throughout the lands of Iberia through the natural passing of time.
  It is said that many of the golden objects that exist today will eventually fall back into the hands of their followers/disciplines.


  Edicts: Earn wealth through trade, Establish bonds, Travel to new places, To horde gold and valuables, Live fashionably and extravagantly.
  Anathema: To consume, produce, or trade alcohol, to accept or give any form of gifts or labor for free, To neglect one's beauty, to leave one's wealth in a singular place.
  Follower Alignments: Any.
  Area of Concern: Merchants, Wealth, Ambitions.
  Region of Influence: Global.
  Follower Count: Global. (In mostly in pockets and in secrecy.)

Devotee Benefits

  Divine Ability: Wisdom or Intelligence.
  Divine Font: Harm or Heal.
  Divine Skill: Diplomacy.
  Favored Weapon: A Spear or Lance.
  Domains: Earth, Travel, Wealth.
  Symbol: A Golden Chariot or Golden Wheel.
  Cleric Spells 1st: illusory object, 4th: creation, 7th: magnificent mansion

Divine Intercession

  This diety doles out punishments or rewards its followers often with greater inconveniences/conveniences.
Divine Classification
Lesser Diety

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