Merchants of Adelia Organization in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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Merchants of Adelia

Made by Tanya
  "Wealth is only obtainable if you truly go out of your way to obtain it. Those deserving of it, arise to that opportunity."  
-Merchant of Adelia


  To acquire vast sums of wealth and political influence within the city as well as more trading rights to trade with more cities and nations.  


  Merchant guilds began to appear during the transformation of the finishing village into a major port. Led by their respective leaders, they began as a mere gamble to start building power and influence into the port that was still in its infancy and the possibility of gaining more wealth through additional trade routes despite the threat of raids and piracy. It was not long until over time more guilds began to appear across the city creating trade agreements but also a conflict for control of the trade business.   An opportunity soon arose for the more powerful merchant guilds, when the provisional governor of the region began talks with the guilds to deal with corruption and smuggling. For the agreement to control and deal with those issues, the guilds would be given the power to govern the city and the additional trade rights of the more exotic goods. This gave the merchant increased power and prestige and while they honored their agreement to deal with these issues, this only increased the tension with some of the more powerful guilds. Soon the guilds began to hire mercenaries and gangs to fight amongst themselves to become the most powerful merchant guard over the many others.  


  Run by several wealthy individuals who each lead their merchant guild. They deal with the day-by-day activities of the city such as the laws and governance to the price of certain goods, trading rights, and economic disputes between individual guilds.   Two of notes are below   Golden Coffers ran by Progoff "The Enricher"   The Capara Family run by Vespasia Capara  


  To join a merchant guild one must be a well-known merchant, understand the prices of goods, ability to haggle, and pay a small admission fee to acquire an identification card.  
  • Wealth
Leader Alignment
  • Lawful Evil to Lawful Neutral
  • Adelia's Merchant Port
  • Wealth
  • Expansion of Influence
Region of Influence
  • Regional


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