Caerwald Solfége Organization in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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Caerwald Solfége (Caer-wald säl-ˈfezh)

By Erthar


  A traveling musical opera troupe consisting of at most 30 members. They've visited all the countries of Iberia and makes their rounds. It takes a few years to complete an entire world tour.
  The leader and founder of the troupe,Edgar Caerwald , first established the troupe 80 years ago. Edgar has said that the troupe's mission, their "raison d'être", is to "spread love and the joy of music".
  Due to various circumstances and happenstances, the troupe has crossed paths with many heroes (or heroes to be) and has been involved in various events in a supportive role.
Related NPCs
Aria Lewynn
Edgar Caerwald
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