Divine Beasts in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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Divine Beasts

As the divines withdrew from direct intervention in the mortal realm at the latter end of the Age of Divinity, their descendants and creations remained. They would be classified as the Divine Beasts by those who bore witness and had managed to survive the aftermath of the calamity. These majestic and formidable beings inherited the awe-inspiring power and innate abilities of their divine progenitors, yet were unbound by the constraints of mortal existence during this time period.   The Divine Beasts were beings of immense power and unparalleled might, each possessing unique abilities that set them apart as lords of their respective domains. Some could command the very elements, summoning storms and earthquakes at will, while others wielded mastery over the forces of life and death, shaping the very fabric of existence itself.   With their formidable abilities and unrivaled strength, the Divine Beasts roamed the realm of Iberia, unleashing chaos and devastation in their wake. Entire cities crumbled beneath their onslaught, their mere presence casting a shadow of fear and despair over the land. None could stand against their might, and the mortal inhabitants of Iberia lived in constant terror of their wrath as they scoured to find life in a new settlement.   However, as the Age of Divinity drew to a close, the fate of the Divine Beasts grew uncertain as the powers of the divines began to wane.   Some theorize that the Divine Beasts met their demise through the very power that they wielded. They speculate that the overwhelming forces that they once commanded eventually became a burden to them. Constrained by the established laws of the world, it is believed they struggled to maintain the continuous exertion of their reality-altering abilities and were at their weakest.   Others believed that the Divine Beasts faced banishment through the intervention of figures akin to those from the Pantheon of the Holy Trinity.   Accounts from this era chronicle the formation of alliances among heroes and civilizations, united in their resolve to combat the Divine Beasts. Such individuals, like figures akin to those from the Pantheon of the Holy Trinity are but a few example.   Armed with artifacts forged during the Age of Divinity, they embarked on their quest to vanquish the beasts. However, not all campaigns concluded triumphantly, and many battles would end in pyrrhic victories.   Despite the immense sacrifices and the toll exacted by the conflict, they ultimately achieved their goal of driving the Divine Beasts from their territories. This hard-won victory, forged through sacrifice and unwavering resolve, paved the way for a new era of peace to emerge and flourish in the age of After Divinity.   Even now, the Divine Beasts linger in the realm of Iberia, their presence felt in the gentle whispers of the wind and the subtle trembling of the earth. Whether in a state of slumber or contemplation, they await the opportune moment for their next awakening to lay waste upon the land and claim what was once theirs.
Age of Divinity
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After Divinity
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