Bestiary in The Chaos Saga | World Anvil
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Albino rat — an uncommon type of rat with sharp teeth that can cause bleeding. Stats: HP 3, Str 3, Agi 3, Int 2   Animated Statue — A stone figure that follows a singular order, usually to protect something. Most animated statues emit some type of light. Stats: HP 8, Str 4, Agi 3, Int 3   Arachnae — an overgrown arachnid like creature that resides in warm climates. Some have the ability to spin thick, sticky webs, while others secrete dangerous poison. Stats: HP 5, Str 4, Agi 4, Int 3   Crab — a large crustacean with a tough natural shell that acts as armor. This unusual creature is fast enough to attack multiple times at once. Most live on sandy shores or near water, hiding in large piles of sand or rocks.I Stats: HP 6, Str 4(+1 def), 4, Int 2   Dragon — large creatures that vary greatly in appearance, although they usually have a slightly reptilian form with wings. Some species are able to produce mixtures of chemicals in their mouths with various properties, the most common being combustion. They can be tamed in a similar fashion to domesticated animals. (Stats vary)   Giant Spider — a type of spider that grows to be the size of a small dog, most make large webs that are covered in a sticky natural glue that dries almost instantly. None of these large arachnids are poisonous. Stats: HP 8, Str 5, Agi 2, Int 3   Giant wasp — a type of wasp that grows to be the size of a small dog. They have large stingers with a near fatal poison, but can’t fly for extended periods of time because of their size. They make large nests of wax that can be up to the size of a small building and fill them with larvae and thick, brownish honey that they make. Stats: HP 5, Str 4, Agi 4, Int 4   Fire Hound — similar to a wolf, a fire hound is a creature that has special qualities that cause it to give off a special fire that is usually only a few degrees warmer than the temperature around it, but their fire’s temperature can rise drastically when they become excited or angry. They can be domesticated as puppies, but it's probably a bad idea. Stats (pup): HP 5, Str 4, Agi 3, Int 2. Stats (Adult): HP 8, Str 6, Agi 4, Int 3   Mimic — a carnivorous creature that shapeshifts into different forms to disguise itself and lure in other creatures for food. A typical mimic form is a box or chest, but it’s true form is unknown. Stats: HP 3, Str 4, Agi 3, Int 2   Mystic — a race of beings that have the ability to manipulate universes that comes from the large amounts of hereditary universal energy that they have.   Puppet — a puppet is a core that has taken form through the pure strength of the persons will, personality, or emotion. They do not have any memories of before they became puppet, but can communicate memories they do have and emotions through physical contact with a person. (Stats vary)   Rat — a common creature to be found in dark places like caves. They are only dangerous to people in large swarms, and do sometimes attack large creatures if food is scarce in the area. Stats: HP 3, Str 2, Agi 3, Int 0   Siren - A winged humanoid creature with tails. found near rocks and large bodies of water. Some variations live in forests and can fly. Their tails and wings have a natural regenerative ability. Stats: HP 7, Str 3, Agi 3, Int 3   Scavenger Wolf — a breed of wolf that is large enough to be ridden, even though it has a violent nature that is difficult to tame. Unlike their normal counterparts, they are solitary. They are also bolder and will attack with little provoking. Stats: HP 6, Str 4, Agi 5, Int 4   Wraith — an illusion of a smoky, dark humanoid that can be caused by complex commands. This body is physical to an extent and can cause freezing to occur on objects that it touches. Stats: HP 1, Str 0, Agi 5, Int 0   Wolf — a wild animal common to forests and plains. They hunt in packs of 3 or 4 and take advantage of large numbers to take down tougher targets. They’re rarely seen near Camps or civilized areas. Stats: HP 4, Str 4, Agi 4, Int 4   Viper (red) — a type of small to medium sized snake that hides and lashes out at targets with its venom. it lives in dry, arid climates. Stats: HP 3, Str 2, Agi 4, Int 1   Viper (black) — a large type of snake that wraps around its prey and suffocates it before eating it whole. Stats: HP 5, Str 4, Agi 3, Int

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