The Belmyn Flower Species in The Castle at the End of the World | World Anvil
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The Belmyn Flower

The Belmyn flower was gifted to the [Sea Elves](species:27c420d9-0e25-468c-a76f-6894fee870af) by their god, Deep Sashelas, in an attempt to reduce infant mortality rates amongst the elves.

Basic Information


A white flower with four large petals, centred around a metallic gold centre. The plant has large, spindly roots if grown underwater, which spread 3 feet below the base of the stem.

Additional Information


Always have been domesticated

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Shallow seas and coastlines. On land only near saltwater

Average Intelligence

6 months
Average Height
3 inches from petals to base of stem
Average Length
2 inches across at the petals, an 1/8th of an inch at the stem.

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