Iozari Geographic Location in The Cage | World Anvil
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Iozari is the smallest of the Continents. It surrounds a giant lagoon and is just east of Aewith. It's home to Uxil, the hero kingdom, Jalali, the merchant hub, Dimovska and Ashtoreth.


Iozari is mainly a collection of flat plains and light forests. Civilizations have all settled on the edge of the ocean. But the area isn't extremely wet.

Fauna & Flora

medium sized trees, some herbs that can be used for drugs. Boars, elephants, tigers, leviathans, krakens, sirens, manticores, hydras, gorgons, tritons, harpies, Northern Dragons, minotaurs, centaurs, dryads, lamia, pegasi, ghouls, zombies, specters, fae, giants, cyclopes and griffins.

Natural Resources

stone, fish and grain
Characters in Location
Related Professions

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