Aasimar Species in The Cage | World Anvil
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Aasimar are the offspring of a human and a celestial. They often are birthed with a Divine Art from the god their celestial parent serves. While not nearly as powerful as demigods, they receive comparable praise and worship. Their angelic heritage makes them attune to Divine Arts and are naturally talented with them.

Basic Information


Aasimar have pale grey skin and black hair that look like humanoids. They carry some kind of marking of the god their divine part serves.

Genetics and Reproduction

Can reproduce with sex and can do so with any mortal species that can breed with humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Live in all five realms, as celestials are positioned almost everywhere outside of Gaian.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Adhere to the Hierarchy of Heaven.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kaviru, Avira and the Outside.

Average Intelligence

100 IQ
Scientific Name
Kelesti Dor
200 years
Average Height
6 feet
Average Weight
170 lbs
Average Physique
Usually very lean and muscular, as Aasimar usually are pressured into becoming warriors for their god.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale grey/white skin with varying markings representing the gods they worship.

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