Marionette units, dummy spirits and soul Cores. Artificial souls/patterns. Technology / Science in The Brightbound World of Essiothas | World Anvil
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Marionette units, dummy spirits and soul Cores. Artificial souls/patterns.

Dummy Spirits as they are colloquially known are artificial consciousness's used in automation. Replacing much of the labor force and speeding up industrialization and increasing the rate of manufacturing goods. Dummy spirits are utilized in many aspects of life mostly in production and manufacturing but they have even been used in warfare. Ideally Dummy Spirits would only automate jobs that fulfill the three Ds Dull, Dumb, and Dangerous. In reality much of the labor force has been replaced by Dummy Spirits leading to wide spread poverty and job loss. But the use of this technology is not universal and much of the world has not adopted the use of Dummy Spirits.   Marionette units largely refer to the analytical cognition machines. Used to command and control dummy spirits and the pawn bodies they may control. Marionette units also refer to the very large building sized systems which controls the global interconnected network of conduits and other systems that translates and transmutes information into the resonance field. These huge units by and large control things like global communication, transportation and analytical and data driven tasks. The smaller versions are known as smart box's and allows for the receiving of stored information in the matter of a couple minutes. These units by a large margin can mimic a consciousness though doing so would require large amounts of power and compacity, so only the wealthy can afford the expense to procure the creation of a marionette servant. They are largely called marionette units for their ability to control many dummy spirits. They can mimic the intelligence and consciousness of the mortal races.    The Soul core is the vessel which house these false souls or mortal patterns. They incorporate a organic structure to allow for the interfacing of other technologies and vessels. Soul cores are largely warded from outside manipulation and hijacking by entities and other rogue casters. They refer to the part that house the dummy spirit and interacts with the world. The internals of the soul cores house small chromanufactoms and other closed off systems. These cores receive sensory information and data along with data from the resonance field they are created in a way to accurately decode and translate the information before it reaches the dummy spirit for processing and decision making. Soul cores have become more and more compact throughout the ages small enough to fit in a body sized construct and still provide decent intelligence.   In times long past these units would be created from imprinted and altered mind of criminals and the unwanted. But do to public out cries this method was abandoned. For the modern standard.


Dummy Spirits largely refer to the older models which were less intelligent and unable to do anything but the simplest tasks. Though not true in modern times this ideal has largely stuck in the publics perception when asked but the topic. Dummy Spirits are used for the automation of certain industries and jobs. Most Dummy Spirits are used for mundane purposes such as controlling a simple automaton that only cleans the floors of a business after closing hours. The advanced forms called Marionette units are used to predict the movement of soldier's, and for controlling the operations of the whole of an business and other huge task normally requiring thousands of people. There are four levels of Dummy Spirits. Each level varies in complexity. The most Simplest type of Dummy Spirits is utilized for the automation of simple tasks such as opening and closing doors and other very simple task. The most advanced form of Dummy Spirits called a Marionette units are the most complex and intelligent form of this technology they are normally huge structures able to do billions of tasks and even able to predict events giving the right information. These Dummy Spirits are put in control of certain structures of daily life if not the entirety of a countries infrastructure. They have been utilized in warfare to control and act as the mind of pawn bodies. Normally sent in huge numbers to overwhelm the enemy. Though most cannot be used in areas of bright contamination due to its corrupting and altering effects cause the dummy spirit to become uncontrollable. Often leading to their corruption and or possession by other worldly entities.


Through the programming and creation of interconnected patterns and the creation of organic structures allowing for interfacing and manipulation of the environment. The manufacturing of Dummy Spirits is complex. They are a mixture of magic and material components and some have biological aspects included. In simple terms Dummy Spirits are spells rapped around a structure. Some of these even have biological structure including allowing it to interface with certain objects.
Eixon , Institute of the meta physical programming.
Access & Availability
Dummy spirits varies in availability depending on how advance and intelligent the dummy spirit is. Lower grade Dummy spirits can be purchased by common people these are normally used for simple task's such as manual labor. The more complex Dummy spirits are on average only sold to businesses and large industries. The most complex dummy spirits are only available for militaries and nations.
Even the most simple Dummy Spirits are of some complexity being made of interweaving and intertwining patterns. The patterns that make up Dummy Spirits are purposefully twisted and folded to allow every aspect of the pattern to be expressed.
Originally theorized when researchers were observing the phenomenon of "living" spells. These innovations have came about directly by the rationalization and the change in and development of new practices when dealing with magic. The Rationalizers eliminated tradition and superstition from the study of magic and turned it into a scientific field of study.

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