Depthal Stars Material in The Brightbound World of Essiothas | World Anvil
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Depthal Stars

Depthal Stars are either the remain/essence of a dead Depthal lord. Or how one is created. The powers of the realm are used to form these stars and a consciousness forms from this power. Which it uses to form an avatar or body allowing it to interact with the world. It is also possible that the Depthal lords expel some of there power or essence and form a kind of will which over time forms into a new full consciousness.
The depthal seas are a treacherous black void of endless ocean interspersed with huge slabs of broken bare and jagged rock structures jutting out from the cold dark waters. The only comfort found their comes from pricks of multi colored light which seem to mimic a night sky. These lights or stars are dispersed throughout the high-up vault of the realm. Unknown to most these false stars mimicking the night sky of old, are actually the gathering energies of infantile consciousnesses of developing and growing depthal lords.    It is a cruel turn of fate that the Pact more specifically the Common wealth of Eternis has come to monopolize depthal stars for the powering of their reconstructed and developing society. After the invasion of and destruction of the old nation, caused by the depthal lords in the recent past.


Material Characteristics

Physically these objects appear roughly like stars normally balls of energy and light. The Stars colors can vary and there forms can differ as well but commonly they are a ball of condensed swirling energies and light. But there are outliers with differing characteristics. Depthal stars have the ability to imbibe energies/elements around it this feeds the infantile developing consciousness of a depthal lord. The energies which make up depthal stars is believed to be a weak form of the bright which transfuse the dark realm, which through unknown processes is turned or used in the production of some sort of chroma for the developing infantile consciousness. Theorized to be used in the shaping of its physical form and powering of its magics and or psionic abilities. These Stars are commonly found in the Vault of the Depthal Realm most can be seen from the floor hundreds of miles up gleaming with colors and mimicking the look of the night sky. Believed to be forming chroma or gathered energies in which a consciousness slowly develops, evolving and changing into a new born and weak depthal lord.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Depthal Stars look like star they are masses of light and energy. Which release huge amounts of energy and radiation into the environment. Unlike normal stars depthal stars are made up of arcane energies and powers and are small enough to be contained within a room.

Geology & Geography

This resource is only located within the Depthal Sea an extra planar dimension connected to the prime material realm. They are found in the vaulted ceiling of the realm either located in the pillars or stalactites that hang from the ceiling.

Origin & Source

Depthal lords are the top predator in their food chain and often prey on one another. When a depthel lord devourers another of their kind they shatter its will which remains in the dispersed energies. They act like a seed and build up and grow with power until they have gained enough to form a physical avatar. The more powerful depthal lords have been known to dominate the wills of their lesser. This allows them to control the entities and their chroma allowing it to tap into that beings power. In many cases they use these dominated beings to serve their will and interests. They act as warlords or generals for the more powerful depthal lords. In some cases they destroy the forms of there dominated lesser and seed them around there territory allowing the powers/chroma to build up for later use. In many cases the wills of these beings are hard to completely eliminated the remaining pieces of the shattered or broken consciousness normally maintain slivers of memories of their past selves and forms.   Under Sailors depthal sailors are individuals normally gathered from criminals, debtors or the desperate who traverse to the realm by the realm gate a defensive super structure that allows for the traveling into the Depthal Sea.

Life & Expiration

Within the magical turmoil that is the Depthal sea the Depthal stars can last indefinitely. But on the prime material world within the Prime Weave/pattern the Depthal Stars can only last for so long as its power is slowly sapped and used to power nations, cities etc.

History & Usage


Star generators and light cells have become a world wide power source powering many nations. Originally introduced to The Pact including one of their founding and most powerful members in the Eternis Commonwealth by the exiled Tar'darry. Who used the Depthal stars as a key negotiation tool in the talks to provide lands in which they can inhabit and develop a new nation. They ended up becoming a powerful party in The Pact and even to this day provides there allied nations with great benefits.


The Tar'darry used Depthal Stars for generation to power their society in the Depthal Sea before there gods anger led to their exile to the prime material realm/the overworld. With them introducing this resource to the Pact many innovations and discoveries have been made.

Everyday use

Commonly used in the production of power and as a source of energy. Used to power cities and nations as well large vessels like airships or sea faring ships.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Tar'darry had a great religious relationship with these materials being that they develop into the gods they once worshipped. They would also use them to power the whole of their society and civilization.


A marionette unit is used to dominate the infantile depthel lords developing consciousness. This allows it to be stabilized and allows for control over its normally chaotic nature. This has to be done before the development of its will and thought. If it is developing limbs through condensing the energies into a solid material its beyond its production use and the facility should be evacuated immediately.

Manufacturing & Products

Light cells are created from the captured energies that move away from the main body of the depthel star or that are taped/gathered. These energies are transferred into a protective sealed container.


Depthal Stars are extremely dangerous, without the right protective equipment the magic radiation that comes off of the stars can completely obliterate biological organisms. In some cases the radiation can mutate/kill the cells of near by living organism leading to the decay of the body or mutation of the subject. In more rare cases the stars energy can assimilate into the body of a living being causing the person to be a light Scourged.

Environmental Impact

The magical radiation released by the depthal stars can taint the land and mutate it into something new. But this can only occur if the star is open to the environment and is not within a containment structure.

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