Balkrainian Ethnicity in The Bright Isles | World Anvil
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Reaching almost a thousand years of unity, divided tribal cultures existing within the Balkrainian Provinces have developed an eclectic mix of customs and traditions from across the realm, fusing together in what is now known as the “Balkrainian Identity”. A culture of close-nit communities centered around their local lords, most Balkrainians hold more loyalty to their personal chiefs over the Council of Kings that rules them.   Known commonly as the Horse Lords, a Balkrainian household without access to a fleet-footed riding horse is no home at all. Children are raised in the saddle, learning to hunt with bow and spear before they could hope to be considered men.   Though similar in many ways, almost to the point where outsiders have difficulty seeing the difference, there exists a strong cultural divide between Northern and Southern Balkrainians. Though they both still favor horsemanship and strength of individuals, they possess different religious views, different clothing’s, and different forms of income.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Chessa, Danica, Danika, Dannica, Fan, Fanya, Hedy, Iva, Jan, Kasmira, Marya, Milosava, Mira, Mischa, Misha, Nadia, Nadya, Suzan, Tierney

Masculine names

Andrei, Andrik, Arron, Casimir, Dimas, Dimka, Jaromir, Karel, Ladislas, Laslo, Miko, Milos, Nicholai, Ony, Rorik, Rorric, Sagan, Slavi

Family names

Antonov, Arsenyev, Balaban, Balabanov, Balmont, Banich, Bulgakov Bulganin, Cihlar, Dudar, Erben, Fedoruk, Gajic, Guzina, Hajek, Ivanov, Jovanovic, Kapa, Karadordevic, Khaimov, Lenart, Lovric, Malik, Malki, Milenkovic, Mirkovic, Nokto, Okilj, Pasic, Pribonic, Ryba, Smagula, Smolensky, Soloviev, Trifonov, Uvarov, Vajda, Vlaev, Wach, Zajic

Other names

Most common folk lack family names, with dynasty names only appearing among nobles and some partially notable warrior lineages. Common folk are normally referred to by their first name, and then “son of” or “daughter of” their father’s name. For example, a commoner named Miko born of the father Karel, would be called Miko, son of Karel.


Average technological level

Balkrainians are behind the West side of the mainland in terms of steel production and forging techniques, and thus produce inferior arms and armor comparatively, favoring splinted armor and lamellar over unattainable suits of plate in Western fashion. However, Balkrainian saddle making and leatherwork are among the best in the world and produce intricate jewelries unmatched by anything in the west.


Beauty Ideals

Attractiveness among the Balkrainian people exists primarily within one’s status and personnel strength.   Ungroomed and frankly rude men can be considered suitable matches if their family possesses fine horses and he can throw a javelin a great distance. The “ideal” Balkrainian man is a redhead, tall and powerfully built, with a beard that is kept short but not clean-shaven like a boy’s. Men often wear earrings and other metal decorations, though piercings of the nose and genitalia are looked down on.   Women are judged in much the same way as men, by status and strength. Balrainian men believe strong women produce strong children, and thus the most suitable match for a Chief’s son would likely be the winner of a strength contest or a single-parent widow. The “ideal” Balkrainian woman is a redhead, with hair cut short as a sign of willingness to do work. Women do not often ornament themselves, though it is not uncommon to see older, sought-after women wear the rings of previous deceased spouses.

Gender Ideals

Men in the Balkrainian province are expected to be hunters, providers, and warriors. Horsemanship is paramount in Balkrainian culture, almost equivalent to masculinity as a whole among their people. A Balkrainian man is expected to remain loyal to family, friends, and his local lord or chief.   Interestingly, women have a dominant place in most Balkrainian households. Due to the usual absence of the man during the day, whether he be farming or hunting, the home is maintained by the Balkrainian Women and is normally dominated by them. Finances, children, and all home life are managed by the woman of house. This is not viewed as a subservient position in Balkrainian culture, but instead as a necessary task so that men can continue to bring in food and income.   Roles within the household can switch, but is uncommon and often looked at as odd by the rest of the community.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage is a lifelong commitment in Balkrainian culture, with divorces being both illegal and highly taboo among the people. This thus encourages a healthy dating life among the Balkrainian youth, and often marry at later ages such at twenty, though dating is supposed to begin at thirteen. Despite the commonality of dating, young marriage is viewed in a favorable light in the populace, and desire to marry young is seen as a sign of maturity in youth.   Balkrainian couples are expected to remain honest and open with one another. Sexual activity outside of the marriage bed is common, and even polygamy between groups of married adults is accepted (with even a yearly celebration where this is encouraged), but all this is done within a context of spousal awareness. A man or a woman can pursue sexual activities outside of their spouse without evoking taboo among the community, so long as the spouse is aware and accepts it. However, without awareness, the individual is subject to ill treatment by the community.   Widowed men and women are viewed very favorably by single Balkrainian youth seeking spouses, finding that widows are experienced in marriage lifestyle and thus better spouses. Step-children keep their biological father’s name, if appropriate, but care for step-children is considered an honor among would-be spouses of widows.   Homosexuality is viewed as alien and wrong among the Balkrainian Culture, and those of a non-heterosexual orientation either force themselves to marry normally, or practice in secret.

Major organizations

The Balkrainian people exist almost entirely within the Balkrainian Provinces.
Related Organizations

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