Sant-Maloù Settlement in The Breton Lands | World Anvil
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Breton pirates were known to operate out of the former Saxon shore fort of Sant-Maloù during the struggles against the Franks.   Relative peace has done little to curb their activities, with Lord Guruant content to turn a blind eye, and collect some tribute of course..

Industry & Trade

Fishing, sea trade from the kingdoms of Britain and the Frisian coast.


Founded by Gauls in the 1st century BC, the ancient town on the site of Saint-Malo was known as the Roman Reginca or Aletum.   By the late 4th century AD, it was the site of a major Saxon Shore promontory fort that protected the Rance estuary from seaborne raiders from beyond the frontiers.

Natural Resources

Healthy fish stocks and even healthier trade vessels ripe for the taking.
Owning Organization

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