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The Breaking Point


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An officer going over the top with her men, knowing full well that none of them are going to make it even halfway to the enemy trench.
  Two bloodied opponents in an underground fight club, battling it out for a reward. The winner's prize? A ration card, eligible for a week's worth of food.
  A shadowy figure musing as he carefully considers the map before him. He pushes a small marker across the map, towards another marker. He has condemned thousands to death.
  After centuries of warfare, the Earth is at its breaking point. Millions have died for no tangible gain, famine is setting in across the planet, nations are splitting apart under the pressure, and the trenches haven't moved in years. Aside from the creatures crawling out of them, that is. Despite everything, the dueling alliances of the world still refuse to make peace.
  Oh, and a secret power-hungry order is manipulating the world into further chaos so they can become gods. Did I forget to mention that part?