Philandros Character in The Avatar of the Ancient | World Anvil
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Philandros is a humanoid of lanky proportion, a slender frame belying a sinuous vigor. A fine ascot draped from his shoulder displays his privilege; an empathetic gaze that pierces the soul gives him power. An innate regal quality promotes the effect of a natural born leader in this warrior poet. You find yourself hanging on the word of Philandros.
Clean-cut, well kept male. Identified on a passenger ship en route to the great city for a spectacular event: the coronation of the Arcanist Laureate.
Philandros and his female companion made their way to the center of the city, elbowing through the crowd, just in time to see the Arcanist Laureate give a short-lived speech and keel over dead, disrupting the grand tree in the center of the square and even the weather in his final death throws.
Try as he might ... Philandros pressed to the greatly honored arcanist ... to lend aid ...

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