Rap of Tuhnt Character in The Audacity | World Anvil
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Rap of Tuhnt

The teledisc glittered and a rough skinned and sharp Tuhntian appeared. His eyes were greedy- everything he saw through them had a price tag attached. His blue-gray hair jutted upwards and waved shyly, as if apologizing for its owner’s intensity. “You rang, boss?” Sonan shook her head at him. “What have you found, Commander?” Rap leaned against the monitor. “Don’t do that,” Sonan snapped her fingers at him. He shrugged and sat cross-legged on the floor. He didn’t like to have to expend a ton of energy to support himself. Financially or otherwise.
  Was a prisoner in the Rhea I Tuhntian colony- charges of being a con artist. He’s lazy unless there is money involved. Xan doesn’t know him- take all that jazz out. (Maybe make Calven the parking attendant from before, that would make more sense) Loves zip ties a LOT. Has a really small MoonHopper. Only hangs about because Sonan pays him daily to do nothing.

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