Khaninagaharatchiyarta Chroosantooackagatgunst Geographic Location in The Audacity | World Anvil
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Khaninagaharatchiyarta Chroosantooackagatgunst

“Khaninagaharatchiyarta Chroosantooackagatgunst Junkers?” “Oh, you mean-”  IX proceeded to pronounce Khaninagaharatchiyarta Chroosantooackagatgunst correctly, but typing it out here phonetically would be a hassle and you, dear reader, would skim over it anyway so the correct pronunciation will remain unknown until the screen adaption. In the interest of saving time I’ll abbreviate it to KC from here on out. “Sure.” “Well that is something. KC was destroyed five years ago. The wormhole must have moved us in time and space. That’s good.”
The shack and the wreckage were out of sight now. In front of him a small ball of reddish light began to rise, turning the sky a pale green. It was easier to see now that things were properly lit. An improvement, thought August. Soon, however, he bemoaned the sun as it began to reflect off the copper ground and turn the planet into an oven. Fortunately for August, the days on this planet were extremely short. Mere minutes after the sun had attained its utmost height in the sky it was behind him again, and soon it was gone entirely. This happened three or five more times: the hot, the cold, the hot, the cold… then a discovery! Something was rising over the horizon that wasn’t the small, cruel ball of heat.


Copper ground, relatively flat, extremely small and can be easily circumnavigated in less than a day.   The sky is pale green as it reflects the oxidized copper planet's surface.   The sun is small, hot and reddish.

Natural Resources

Alternative Name(s)
Planetoid / Moon

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