Dr. Zhao Sun Character in The Astral Division | World Anvil
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Dr. Zhao Sun

Coordinator of the Mundane Zhao Sun

This man is not in the trandidonal white lab coat like the others. He wears a dark blue turtleneck and thick rimmed glasses. You can see his name tag identifying him as the Coordinator of the Mundane Sector. He's at a desk examining some sort of glowing shard as he sicks various tools into it. Around him seems to be designs, images, and a cup of coffee. When you approach he sets down his tools and looks over at you. In a soft older voice asks,  
What can I help you with?
You mention you were interested in what he was working on. He talks a hard look at you before saying anything else.  
So you are from communications? I am already am subscribed to you magazine. I don't need another.
You stifle a laugh then tell him you are trying to talk with everyone.  
Oh I see now. Well I'm Dr. Zhao Sun, coordinator of the scientific sector of the division. I manage my scientists and conduct high level research. Besides that I have little to tell.
  Well that's a lie if you ever heard one.

Mental characteristics


What is your field of study?  
During my undergraduate studies I was a physicist. However, I knew I could do more, so I studied further and earn my doctorate is astrology, quantum physics, and chemistry. My focus is work on dimensional travel and the fundamental principles of movement.
There very little people who have such a resume. After giving some though you ask about what has he used his education.  
I was a teacher for a few years, but when I discovered the Fundamental Laws of Quantum Appearance I was approached by the Division to work beyond what my time could have possibly discovered. From the on I haven't left.


How did you become the coordinator?
I understand how to get people working. My time in the Ministry of Progress needed to be put to use somewhere. I can find the potential in people and exploit it for the benefits of them and the organization.
Was it just you or did that sound threatening.

Accomplishments & Achievements

What discoveries have you made?  
You see this shard?
You already know what this is and certainly what it does, but you humor him.  
It's a Fragment of Probability or in layman's terms luck. We have distilled luck into a physical substance which is unheard of in the scientific field. While my arcane and paranormal counter parts have their own theories, we have found a way to make it useable. This is one of my greatest pieces of work and we just discovered it. You may have heard of the Quantum Stream Drive. I created the first workable the division uses, you can find it in one of the old storage closets. I am very proud of it, but I'm only a small piece here. I don't often get to make the big discoveries.
Quantum Stream Drive? It doesn't sound familiar, but it's not your in your field. You should take a look sometime.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

You take a note on how he taps his fingers on the desk when he's waiting. Even during the small periods of silence between question he starts tapping his fingers. Better not ask him about it, but it could be important later.


Family Ties

You can see a few picture of people on the desk around him. Is it his family or friends? It might be worth digging to help loosen him up.   Who are the people in your pictures?
Ahh, yes my family. I haven't see them in years.
I'm 122, our medical doctors are miracles workers. I saw them last about 75 years ago. It was a sad day, but like most of us, they can't know that I'm here.
You must surely miss them?
Everyday I miss them. I grew up in Hong Kong and I miss it everyday. My wife who stuck by me until my end. My loving daughter who became an addored writer. My grandchildren who became neurosurgeons. I keep tabs on them from time to time, but their story has already ended, but also just started. This is the nature of our job.
To your end? What happened?
Still live your home? Coming to stay here permanently you have to make some arrangements to ensure you disappear from your old life. Mine was more difficult then for most. I would rather not talk about it.
Current Location

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Character Portrait image: by Viktor Miller-Gausa


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