Creativity Tradition / Ritual in The Arengold Forest | World Anvil
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Sing me a song, weave me a tale. All are magic – souls without fail. My imagination, yours to pursue. Your love and passion are the path to view. Be it paint or word or something brand new. Show me true talent, and dreams you'll accrue. So begin now, let us set sail. Open your heart, let mind prevail!

The Creativity Ritual

The Creativity Ritual is a 3rd level spell – in DND and Pathfinder – that requires 7 days to cast. The Primary Caster, known as a Painter, defines what the worshippers want from the ritual. Then, the Painter and her subcasters begin the ritual by performing works of art.

The spellcasting requirements of the ritual change based on how intensive the wish is. For instance, if the Painter wishes for a new metal to form near her tribe, there might be quite intensive ritual requirements with extraordinary works of art. If the painter wishes for food for the summer, it might be significantly less work, but require works of art based on the summertime.

No matter what, a tribe may only conduct the ritual once per month. This is to avoid overwhelming Filli, who now must watch over hundreds of tribes.

Non-Ritual Creativity

At times, the Creativity ritual can be spontaneously finished by one who Filli watches closely. This version of the Ritual requires the Painter to be of either a very high power level, such as a Hero of a tribe. Or, it requires the individual to be constantly dreaming of the item for years at a time. Popular examples of this include Dances-in-Candles, whose Painter was heard by Filli after years.

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