Wylhain Kilchherr Character in The Arcturus Subsector | World Anvil
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Wylhain Kilchherr

Venerable Dreadnought

Wylhain is a Venerable Redemptor Dreadnought within the Black Templars recounting his days back to the Age of Apostacy and fighting in the War on Terra. After residing in a Castaferrum Pattern Dreadnought for a significant period of time, when the Primaris reinforcements were delivered to the Crusade by the Custodes, so too was a chassis for a Redemptor Pattern. Though typically designed for Primaris marines, this Redemptor Pattern could easily house Wylhain, and as so his metal womb was transplanted from his previously damaged Dreadnought to his new Redemptor chassis.

Wylhain when activated has made every eve of battle his opportunity to mentor Decimus and mold him into the same Champion that he witnessed in the Terran Crusade, Navarre. However since Dreadnoughts used, especially in the Proxima Crusade, are specifically for incredibly arduous battles or especially desperate times of need, Wylhain does not often get that opportunity. Despite this whenever he does get the opportunity, Decimus is usually forthcoming of his own trials and tribulations and receptive to new information and mentoring from the venerable Wylhain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wylhain was involved in the Terran Crusade, as a sword Initiate by this point. Wylhain was involved in the assault on the Ecclesiarchal Palace, him and his crusade squad was designated to assault the breach caused by the Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists, Lazerian. The approach was brutal, however it was mainly successful, however when they were finally beyond the point they were trying to take, they suddenly were ambushed. Bolter rounds whizzed and cracked by Wylhain's head, and as he watched the Standard Bearer fall, he too was eviscerated by the incoming fire. His vision was blurring, growing darker as time went on, the sound of bolters grew more in number as the reinforcing men assaulted the breach once more. Suddenly an Emperor's Champion, it was unmistakable, grabbed the Standard that was on the floor, shouting something to his brothers that Wylhain could not hear. Moments more had passed until finally one of the initiates recognized that he was alive, if that's what you could call his state of being. An apothecary came to his aid, helping him back to his other brothers. Days later the arduous journey for him to become a Dreadnought had begun. Typically this honor was reserved only for highly esteemed Templars such as a Sword-Brother, but Wylhain demonstrated in the assault his ever-present devotion to the God-Emperor, as such his mangled body was placed in the steel sarcophagus where he was to remain the rest of his existence in. After this, Wylhain, as many other Dreadnoughts that have come before and after him, Wylhain's service to the God-Emperor has not ceased, and his utilization is extensive.

Wyllhain's experience in the Age of Apostacy made him a pretty obvious candidate for Reichart's Crusade, he too has voiced concerns for traitorous intent amongst the Imperium to Reichart in confidence, and his immeasurable knowledge in fighting in many Crusades made him an incredibly enticing candidate.

Wylhain is a Venerable Dreadnought that has served the Imperium for thousands of years. His service is not over until the day of his death!

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Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
36124 5926 Years old
15 Metric Tons
The God-Emperor of Mankind
Aligned Organization

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