Sectornet Technology / Science in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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A system-wide mesh network made up of servers connected by hyperwave repeaters. Through a system's sectornet, ships, stations, and settlements can communicate in realtime and share information - or waste time swapping niche pornography and playing video games.


The primary purpose of the sectornet is to facilitate faster-than-light communications within star systems, but its utility has grown with refinement of the technology - flight control and telemetry, secure data wells, and VR gridscapes, among other uses.
Parent Technologies
Access & Availability
The sectornet protocol is completely open, thanks to its wide adoption by the Couriers' Guild, and new 'nets can spring up anywhere with two or more ships. Permanent servers are optional, but can be helpful for routing and organization.
Nearly any computer system hooked up to a hyperwave radio transceiver is capable of accessing - and partially hosting - the local sectornet. Peripheral devices can also access the 'net so long as a host with hyperwave capability is within range.

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