Draal Character in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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The Taskmaster

A demonic entity encountered in the lower levels of the Anath VII refinery. Draal has many titles and domains, and will gladly bellow the full list at you if asked.

Divine Domains

Organization and structure; Filing and paperwork; Equitable exchange of pay and labor

Physical Description

Body Features

Draal is a self-described 'demon lord,' with massive wings, a horned head, and a long spade-tipped tail. His physique is vaguely reptilian due to his scales and talons, but the flames issuing from his eyes/nose/mouth area suggest that he's definitely an endotherm.

Special abilities

Fire breath, spectral chains, void flight, innate understanding of filing systems

Apparel & Accessories

The bare minimum of what could qualify as a loincloth. Tammy made a valiant effort to get inside it, but only Bej-Amel succeeded.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Draal was summoned to the refinery an unknown number of years ago by the Director, who wanted her workforce whipped into shape. After instituting several organizational reforms and motivation schemes (payroll incentives, regular bonuses, teambuilding retreats), Draal was sidelined in favor of a pact with unknown void entities who took the Director's requests more literally.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Innumerable! Boundless!



No indoor voice.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Lawful Consultant
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Keeper of the Infernal Archive
  • Lord of the Sixteenth Circle
  • Master of Indices
Empty sockets filled with infernal fire
Long, black, lustrous horns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Obsidian scales with a smooth crimson underbelly
Approx. 18'
Aligned Organization

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