Deathmask Character in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Slerville (a.k.a. Slerv)

A former ally and confidant of The Admiral, the mysterious enforcer known only as 'Deathmask' stalked the corridors of the Crimson Cutlass under a cloak of silence and secrecy... until being unmasked by the Hedron crew. After his comeuppance and a brief reckoning with the fallout of the Admiral's rule, he now serves as an assistant and advisor to Commodore Barracuda.

Physical Description

Body Features

'Deathmask' itself, the frame piloted by Slerv, is the recovered corpse of an Ascended soldier - albeit with its organic components removed and its core systems purged of malign influence by Blorp's fledgling understanding of Void magicks. In place of the original skull reliquary is an armored cockpit and custom piloting suite, as well as an interface designed to amplify the pilot's Void abilities.   Slerv himself is a small jelly-like alien, pale blue and translucent, capable of moving about and manipulating the environment using pseudopods. He has two small button-like eyes, and speaks with a tiny mouth that is almost invisible when closed.

Special abilities

While piloting the frame, Slerv's Void magic is amplified to a level where he can compete with similarly-scaled opponents; without it, he can do little more than adorably shoot purple sparkles.

Apparel & Accessories

Deathmask wears a tricorne hat and long cloak, as befits a member of the Red Raiders; Slerv wears an odd cloth 'collar' around his neck, though what purpose it serves is unknown.

Specialized Equipment

Deathmask is armed with a Void Steel sword, and has a cannon/projector built into its left arm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Long before joining in the Admiral's power play, Deathmask - or, more accurately, Slerville - was a member of the hastily-assembled self defense forces of the planet Blorp, just barely holding the line against an invasion by The Ascendant Armada. Piloting the salvaged husks of Ascended troops as a force multiplier, the tiny slimefolk made a valiant last stand before ultimately being scoured from the surface by necroplasmic fire. It is unknown how many escaped the destruction of their world, but Slerv believes himself to be the only survivor.

Gender Identity



Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
6'5" with suit; 6.5" without
Aligned Organization
Deathmask's pilot, Slerville.

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