Bulcifer Character in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Bulcifer Bastrun III, esq. (a.k.a. Big Iron)

A fearsome pirate, a valiant commander, and a passionate lover - Bulcifer "Big Iron" Bastrun III was once the captain of the Crimson Cutlass and leader of the The Red Raiders... but that was another life. Another, pre-getting mulched by a robot shark life. Now, Bulcifer serves under Commodore Barracuda as the fleet's morale officer and 'Party Czar,' a career change that suits him more perfectly than he could ever have imagined.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Doing pretty good for someone essentially held together with staples and scrap metal, though he bears countless highly-visible scars from his ordeals.

Facial Features

Permanent smirk.

Apparel & Accessories

Prefers loose, flashy clothing that lets his chest and thighs breathe. Rarely seen without his custom-made armored codpiece, which tends to overshadow the rest of his ensemble.

Specialized Equipment

Stuffed full of secondhand/makeshift cyberware, without which he would not be alive.
  • Metal lower jaw, featuring sharpened and polished stainless steel teeth. As his upper jaw is not augmented, it provides no additional function or advantage whatsoever beyond "looking sick."
  • Left hand replaced by twin hooks with an opposing, powered 'gripper' digit. Makes a loud, intimidating noise, but does not seem terribly functional.
  • Mechanical heart adapted from an oversized hydraulic pump. Hums audibly when the room is quiet.
  • Spine grafted back together with copper wiring, self-sealing stem bolts, and liberally applied thermal paste.
  • Cybernetic pancreas adapted from a plastic hand soap dispenser. 'Adapted' may be a strong word, as it often requires manual activation via the battery-powered motion sensor.
  • Prosthetic right foot, cobbled together from a skid and shock absorber originally designed for a motor sled.
  • Quad-X "Mx. Driller" Luxury CyberHog, with GY419 Special Edition mirror-polished coating. Purchased off the shelf at Excessive Glitter in Splashdown.
No expense was spared to save Bulcifer's life.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Rose to prominence under The Admiral's command, eventually earning his place as head of the The Red Raiders. During his tenure as Captain, Bulcifer cultivated a singular style and built up an even more singular reputation that, despite his downfall, continues to follow him... for better or worse.

Failures & Embarrassments

One might think being bodysnatched and crudely puppeteered in a mockery of his mannerisms, getting his dick burnt to a crisp by point-blank blaster fire, being betrayed and fed into a horror robot designed exclusively to mulch his flesh, and finally being reconstructed as a crude cyborg with parts bought from a sex shop might get a guy down, but one would apparently be wrong.


Contacts & Relations

Had a brief but fateful fling with Bej Amel of the Hedron Crew.
Current Location
Yellow, with slitted pupils
Dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green scales, with light green underbelly scutes
Aligned Organization
As seen prior to his cybernetic overhaul.

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