City-State of Stormport Settlement in The Amaranth Sea and Azure Coast | World Anvil
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City-State of Stormport

Stormport is a free city ruled by a succession of Lords and Ladies of the d’Allesandro Dynasty. Lady Elspeth d’Allesandro currently rules from the hereditary Storm King estate on a promontory overlooking the city.

Stormport began as small port town over five hundred years ago a few miles north east of its current location. It soon grew into a small city still under the influence of the old empire. Until a cataclysmic event shook the earth and caused the whole coast where Stormport lied to fall into the ocean. Many died but the strategic position made it so a new city started to rebuild where Stormport is now, and kept on growing till it became the sprawling community it is today.


Majority of Humanfolk but almost any other race can be found in the City-State


Dynasty, current ruler: Lady Elspeth d'Allesandro
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym

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