Splugg Character in The Alwaysgreen Forest | World Anvil
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Splugg is a traveling merchant that frequents many of the shops and farms in the area. He is exceedingly arrogant and disrespectful toward the local farmers. He also knows that he is the only merchant willing to take goods to the larger neighboring towns, making money for these farms.

Notes :

Splugg is happy to complain to the party about how stupid Dobbers can't keep their farms safe from bears. He laughs at the idea of one of Harold's goats being turned to stone.

He will complain about his business suffering, blaming both, local Dobbers and Woodkin for not taking good care of the forest.

He knows that rot is spreading in the area, damaging crops. He down plays this because he worries that some of the strawberry wine he's been selling has gone bad.

Current Location
pale purple
wild unkept grey hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale green
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