The War Military Conflict in The All Sanctum | World Anvil
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The War

There was a time when the world was united under the supreme rule of the Dios Meriae, but no king can live forever, no matter his power. Following his death, the All Sanctum was split into eight regions, each governed by a child of the Dios Meriae.   Asyrica is ruled by his youngest daughter, Galatea. The Enoch is ruled by his eldest son, Atakias. Tropico is ruled by the grandsons of the Dios Meriae, Helle, Cleades, and Polydius after their father Honiko's 'death'. Euphoria is ruled by the second oldest sibling, a son named Strassus. Inostok is ruled by the third oldest sibling, a daughter named Delias. Kasino is ruled by Remus, the fourth oldest sibling. Hieron is ruled by The Twilight Congregation, servants of the deceased second youngest son; and Kam'Argarin, the military leader. Techiko is ruled by Auteno, the youngest sibling.   A world of plenty devolved as the black dog of war spread across the land, as the regions of Asyrica and The Enoch battled to gain supremacy. The war has been raging for a hundred years, splitting governments, nations, and families.   It is the 101st year of the war and few people remember why exactly the conflict began. All they know is that the two leaders of Asyrica and The Enoch, Galatea and Atakias respectively, are still engaged in intense rivalry. Some reasons can be observed - territorial disputes and arguments over resources. Another reason might be that the two siblings are fighting for the right to become the next Dios Meriae and control the entirety of the All Sanctum. Galatea believes she is in the right because she is the most loved by her deceased father and is the most politically competent, whereas Atakias is the eldest sibling.   Most of the battles are fought on the continent of Tropico, so as to avoid severely offending the gods of either side, Ekoris and Mafaraxas. As a result, Tropico has become, for the most part, a wasteland of nuclear fallout. Some settlements still remain in the west, but the east is ruled by tribes and 'barbarians'. Once one side gains control of Tropico, they believe victory will be theirs. Tropico is assumed to contain key components of biological weaponry. There are also battles which occur in the sky, and in the seas and their islands.   The war has spiralled much of the All Sanctum into disarray, poverty, and despair, as well as ecological collapse, due to lack of resources. Main theatres of war include the west coast of Tropico, the border between Hieron and Kasino, and the islands in the central sea.   There is a marked lack of strong young adults in many of Asyrica and Hieron's cities, as many have been conscripted. Asyrica currently reports of an military of over 5,000,000, or over 12% of their population. There is also the militaries of Hieron and Kasino, its allies, which stand at about 1,000,000 soldiers each. These are disputed figures, behind closed doors. The Enoch's military is significantly smaller, but boasts many non-humanoid warriors, and is said to use dark magic in battle.   Hieron is loyal to the Asyrican forces. Unaligned are Techiko, Tropico, Euphoria, Kasino, and Inostok.
Conflict Type
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