Wyrms Breath Geographic Location in The Aether | World Anvil
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Wyrms Breath

Written by Charlie Parker

Travelers Beware! This is dragon territory! This vast territory is named more for its inhabitants than anything to do with the regions appearances. Though the aether is thicker here than most regions not nearly as thick as the Archaic Expanse. Only the fringes of its borders have been explored with any reasonable success, those that return do so barely, reporting multiple encounters with various types of dragons or those of their kin. Though little is known of the interior of the region classical mythology claims dragons & their kin were guided to the Wyrms Breath by Celestial Dragons after the destruction of the First World.


Few have returned from the Wyrms Breath those that do claim to have had little time to do much scientific research, as a gnome who has been there & returned Sir Twixxle Goldweave has stated "If you had time to survive, you had time to observe." Sir Twixxle is considered the foremost expert on the region his small expedition having spent almost 6 months there. His observations & research notes that although only minor variations exist, gravity within the region seems to diminish. Whether or not this effect continues or diminishes as one travels inward is unknown.

Fauna & Flora

The peculiar nature of the Wyrms Breath seems to have little to no effect on the life that lives there. Rich in both flora & fauna that can be found anywhere in the aether, aside from the high population of dragons it is as expected. It is widely believed that this region is the home the Celestial Dragon, though rare outside the Wyrms Breath, the appearance of a Celestial Dragon is a common factor in reports of the area.

Natural Resources

During his voyages through the region Sir Twixxle gathered many mineral samples, the data he gathered concluded that the region is rich in mineral deposits. Many he stated as having never encountered before, one such strange metallic like mineral burned with such an intense heat is light was blinding white. "A mineral such as this would have many uses if mined in quantity, an alchemists dream come true I am sure." Sir Twixxle Goldweave.
Galactic Sector

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