Dark Expanse Geographic Location in The Aether | World Anvil
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Dark Expanse

Where emptiness becomes so complete even the Aether succumbs to its power.

Written by Charlie Parker

Few venture to this dark & enigmatic expanse, known only to have vast regions of empty space. Early in his career the famous explorer Sir Twixxle Goldweave led an expedition into the region. He returned less than a year later, though his notes detailed there was little to report. "This expanse is most unusual... the very stars are dimmed & the aether wisps away into nothing where we dared not sail." Sir Twixxle Goldweave 2128AU


There are very few stars within the Dark Expanse, those few only have faint glows. Though much of this region is home to vast emptiness these faint stars still host asteroids & other planetary debris. However reaching these distant stars is problematic, without the precious aether to power ships one must bring it with them. This is fine however no aether means no air to breathe as well, perhaps the term problematic may have been an understatement. Furthering the challenges of the region is well noted gravitational currents observed through experiments conducted by Sir Twixxle Goldweave; "It seems an oddity to see, all objects float as though on still waters yet silently drift to and fro with no current witnessed."

Fauna & Flora

This harsh barren environment shows no signs of flora or fauna, if any exists it has yet to be observed. The mysterious distant stars reveal little about what may still lay hidden, leaving only speculation & myth. Though this region seems barren it is not impossible for life to have evolved independently among the few stars found here.

Natural Resources

The faint stars that dwell within the Dark Expanse suggest there may be planetary debris within the inner solar systems. A great many ponder the results of Sir Goldweave looking for some hint of treasures hidden, while most simply accept that there is nothing more than dust & dirt.
Galactic Sector

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Aug 2, 2018 20:31 by portbow

beautiful site theme! also i like the expedition notes in the intro, very creative.