Daemons Horn Geographic Location in The Aether | World Anvil
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Daemons Horn

Written by Charlie Parker

The Daemons Horn is a particularly violent region of space prone to intense plasma storms & deadly vortexes. Travel within this region carries significant risk, not to be undertaken by the feint of heart. Though dangerous by nature the risks may be justified, the Daemons Horn is largely unexplored with untapped resources waiting to be exploited. The Daemons Horn is considered uninhabited though many myths surround the region ranging from great beasts to hoards of undead pirate ships.


Spacial vortexes are common within the Daemons Horn creating violent storms within the local area. Some vortexes can remain active for several decades while others form quickly, expending their energy rapidly then dissipating. The environment of the region is treacherous & unstable at best, only within the inner orbits of local stars provide safe haven.

Fauna & Flora

Life within the aether is persistent even within this violent & unstable environment an abundance of life can be found. Of all the creatures found within the Horn the Angorith is the most prolific, these large whale like creatures migrate among the stars where life flourishes in search of feeding grounds. "In respect to beasts of the depths, though they are not cute the Angorith are the friendliest." Sir Twixxle Goldweave 2142AU

Natural Resources

Resources abound within the Horn, largely avoided until recent years when the discovery of rich ore deposits saw a rise of mining in the region. Though not suitable for farming, rare forms of stellar materials deposited by vortexes provide rich easy access resources for the prepared. The rare heavy elements pushed up from the depths as a vortex collapses can be caught with a dredger, timing is critical. Moving in to soon will send your dredger into the depths with the collapsing vortex, yet hesitate for even a moment & your riches will sink just as fast.
Daemons Horn Panel
Alternative Name(s)
The Horn
Galactic Sector

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