Border Worlds Geographic Location in The Aether | World Anvil
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Border Worlds

Wherever the Gods walked their creation sprang forth life. Here they rested to gaze so now here lives the garden.

Written by Charlie Parker


Within the journey that is life there are moments of beauty in which a mere description would not suffice. The lush emerald green mangroves of the kavic tree are such a sight. To witness a mangrove in bloom is an event not soon forgotten, as though a single tree an entire mangrove will blossom in unison. Their vibrant purple flower unfurl exposing their numerous bioluminescent seeds to be carried off by the winds of the aether. Some may one day become the start of a new mangrove, most however will fall prey to the many creatures that such an event will always draw when there is food to be exploited.
"It is not unusual for one to encounter plants & animals within the Aether. It is however wholly unexpected for one to come across an entire jungle floating in the middle of nowhere." Sir Twixxle Goldweave - Life in the Tangled Mangrove, 2179utc
This region is densely populated, occupied primarily by nomadic clans of multiple native races. The nomadic nature of most clans creates a large collection of socially diverse cultures which rely heavily on cooperation with complex networks of trade routes. The Border Worlds have 3 major factions, the largest being the combined clans of the Azurans, Bersai, Gansuii, and to some lesser extent the Cuvari. The Lokaivii Clans are isolationists dominated by bitter blood feuds, and while consumed by internal conflict any unwanted outside interference will be dealt with collectively. Of all the factions the Meirthei territories are the most dangerous to outsiders, dominated by hive like colonies in a constant state of war. The Meithei belief in their superiority is absolute & fanatical, maintaining zero tolerance to outsiders within their territory.


This region is quite remarkable relative to other regions of the aether, there are several naturally occurring phenomenon that has contributed to the rich biodiversity of the area. The border Worlds contain some of the highest concentrations of old stars in the aether, these large stars provide ideal breeding grounds for the aetherworm. The aethersilk that is deposited combined with the stable environment provides ideal conditions for large populations of space born lifeforms.Combined with the prolific nature of the kavic tree, whose mangrove like islands provide ample sustenance for the many forms of exotic life that flourishes here.

Fauna & Flora

The biodiversity of this sector is renowned throughout the aether, drawing explorers & scientists alike from all over the galaxy. Here the kavic tree mangroves dominate the landscape, their deep purple flowers bloom & seed several times a year making it the most prolific plant known within the aether. Some mangroves are known to grow to an extraordinary size, an impressive feat accomplished through the creeping vine like roots. Although the kavic tree is able to survive in the aether it still requires soil to grow. While the seeds are scattered to land on other asteroids to form new mangroves the roots grow continuously seeking out nearby asteroids & debris to grow it's trees. Though the kavic tree produces a seedless strawberry like fruit year round life within the mangroves is far from easy. Home to a wide variety of unique creatures from the mikkiln monkey to the kavic worm each has their role within the mangroves whether predator or prey.
Aside from the kavic tree another notable flora of the region is the aetherblossom which are well known for their medicinal & alchemical uses. These hardy fruit bearing plants are found in abundance throughout the Border Worlds growing in and around stellar debris or asteroid fields.

Natural Resources

The high populations of aetherworms produce large quantities of aethersilk resulting in the forming of Majix crystal farms. Majix crystals are in high demand within both the Gnomish Consortium & the goblin Kingdom of Skrollax, creating a boom in several industries in the region. Equally profitable resources are found within the shear volume & diversity of flora, however any exploitation of any natural resource within the Border Worlds will incur the wrath of all clans.
Border Worlds Panel
Alternative Name(s)
The Garden of Gods
Galactic Sector

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